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protectorate (pr[schwa]-tek-t[schwa]-r[schwa]t). 1. Int’l law. The relationship between a weaker nation and a stronger one when the weaker nation has transferred the management of its more important international affairs to the stronger nation. 2. Int’l law. The weaker or dependent nation within such a relationship. 3. (usu. cap.) The period in British history — from […]

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notorious insolvency

notorious insolvency. Scots law. A bankruptcy; the stage of insolvency in which the debtor has publicly acknowledged insolvency under the statute. • This stage is usu. followed by sequestration, which is notorious insolvency coupled with the appointment of a trustee for creditors. — Also termed notour bankruptcy. “Bankruptcy, according to the law of Scotland, is

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leakage. 1. The waste of a liquid caused by its leaking from a storage container. 2. An allowance against duties granted by customs to an importer of liquids for losses sustained by this waste. 3. Intellectual property. Loss in value of a piece of intellectual property because of unauthorized copying. • The types of intellectual

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store, n. 1. A place where goods are deposited to be purchased or sold. 2. (usu. pl.) A supply of articles provided for the subsistence and accommodation of a ship’s crew and passengers. 3. A place where goods or supplies are stored for future use; a warehouse. public store. A government warehouse administratively maintained, as

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secret seven

secret seven 〈美〉七个秘密机关 1978年《公共事业法》〔Common Cause〕确定的47个联邦机构中最严重违反《联邦阳光法》〔Federal Sunshine Law〕的七个机构。《联邦阳光法》规定所有联邦机构的会议必须向公众公开。这些机构是:1进出口银行〔Export-Import Bank〕;2国家劳资关系委员会〔National Labor Relations Board〕;3职业安全与健康复审委员会〔Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission〕;4美国假释委员会〔United States Parole Commission〕;5联邦储备委员会〔Federal Reserve Board〕;6商品期货交易委员会〔Commodity Futures Trading Commission〕和7联邦住宅贷款银行委员会〔Federal Home Loan Bank Board〕。

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mineral lode

mineral lode. A mineral bed of rock with definite boundaries in a general mass of a mountain; any belt of mineralized rock lying within boundaries that clearly separate it from neighboring rock. — Also termed lode. “Typically, a lode is a concentration of valuable mineral with boundaries sufficiently distinct to import such a definite trend,

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bootleg recording

bootleg recording, n. Copyright. 1. An unauthorized fixation or copy of a live or broadcast performance in a tangible medium or digital duplication made available over the Internet. — Also termed bootleg copy; underground recording; import recording. [Cases: Copyrights and Intellectual Property 67. 2. C.J.S. Copyrights and Intellectual Property § 58.] 2. See PIRATE RECORDING.

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inventory, n. 1. A detailed list of assets; esp., an executor’s or administrator’s detailed list of the probate-estate assets (make an inventory of the estate). • The term also sometimes denotes a divorcing spouse’s detailed list of all his or her marital and separate assets and liabilities. — Also termed inventory and appraisement. See PROBATE

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subsidy (s[schwa]b-s[schwa]-dee), n. 1. A grant, usu. made by the government, to any enterprise whose promotion is considered to be in the public interest. • Although governments sometimes make direct payments (such as cash grants), subsidies are usu. indirect. They may take the form of research-and-development support, tax breaks, provision of raw materials at below-market

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