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street. A road or public thoroughfare used for travel in an urban area, including the pavement, shoulders, gutters, curbs, and other areas within the street lines. [Cases: Municipal Corporations 658. C.J.S. Municipal Corporations §§ 1451–1452.] “Strictly speaking, a ‘street’ is a public thoroughfare in an urban community such as a city, town, or village, and […]

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oppression. 1. The act or an instance of unjustly exercising authority or power. 2. An offense consisting in the abuse of discretionary authority by a public officer who has an improper motive, as a result of which a person is injured. • This offense does not include extortion, which is typically a more serious crime.

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frank law

frank-law. Hist. The rights and privileges of a citizen or freeman; specif., the condition of being legally capable of giving an oath (esp. as a juror or witness). See LEGALIS HOMO. “Frank law … may be understood from Bracton’s description of the consequences of losing it, among which the principal one was, that the parties

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intoxication, n. A diminished ability to act with full mental and physical capabilities because of alcohol or drug consumption; drunkenness. See Model Penal Code § 2.08. [Cases: Criminal Law 52–57; Homicide 821; Negligence 239, 535(14). C.J.S. Criminal Law §§ 109–113; Negligence §§ 128–129, 252.] — intoxicate, vb. culpable intoxication. See voluntary intoxication. involuntary intoxication. The

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heirloom. 1. An item of personal property that by local custom, contrary to the usual legal rule, descends to the heir along with the inheritance, instead of passing to the executor or administrator of the last owner. • Traditional examples are an ancestor’s suit of armor, family portraits, title deeds, and keys. Blackstone gave a

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enticement, n. 1. The act or an instance of wrongfully soliciting or luring a person to do something. 2. Hist. The tort of inducing a man’s wife to leave him or to remain away from him against his will. [Cases: Seduction 1–26. C.J.S. Torts §§ 88–89.]

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