Search Results for: RULE, THE


aggravated, adj. 1. (Of a crime) made worse or more serious by circumstances such as violence, the presence of a deadly weapon, or the intent to commit another crime (aggravated robbery). Cf. SIMPLE(1). 2. (Of a tort) made worse or more serious by circumstances such as intention to cause harm or reckless disregard for another’s […]

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laws of visby

laws of Visby (vis-bee). A code of maritime customs and decisions adopted on the island of Gothland (in the Baltic Sea), where Visby was the principal port. • Most scholars believe that this code postdates the laws of Oléron. The code was influential throughout northern Europe. In recognition of the ancient code, the Visby Protocol

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fifty decisions

Fifty Decisions. Justinian’s rulings that settled controversies and eliminated obsolete rules in the law. • The decisions were made in preparation for Justinian’s Digest. — Also termed (in Latin) Quinquaginta Decisiones. 50 PERCENT PLUS ONE 50 percent plus one. See HALF PLUS ONE. 50-PERCENT RULE 50-percent rule. The principle that liability for negligence is apportioned

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consanguinity (kon-sang-gwin-[schwa]-tee), n. The relationship of persons of the same blood or origin. See prohibited degree under DEGREE. Cf. AFFINITY; AFFINITAS AFFINITATIS. [Cases: Incest 5; Marriage 10. C.J.S. Incest § 4; Marriage § 17.] — consanguineous, adj. “In the mode of computing the degrees of consanguinity, the civil law … begins with the intestate, and

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convention. 1. An agreement or compact, esp. one among nations; a multilateral treaty (the Geneva Convention). See TREATY. [Cases: Treaties 1. C.J.S. Treaties § 2.] 2. A special deliberative assembly elected for the purpose of framing, revising, or amending a constitution. See CONSTITUTION (1). — Also termed constitutional convention. [Cases: Constitutional Law 8, 10. C.J.S.

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National Reporter System

National Reporter System 〈美〉全国判例汇编系统 1887年由韦氏出版公司(一译西方出版公司)〔West Publishing Company〕创立,出版联邦和州的初审法院和上诉法院的判例。由17个单元组成;7个联邦单元:最高法院判例汇编〔Supreme Court Reporter〕、联邦判例汇编〔Federal Reporter〕、联邦判例补编〔Federal Supplement〕、联邦规则判例汇编〔Federal Rules Decisions〕、破产判例汇编〔Bankruptcy Reporter〕、军事司法判例汇编〔Military Justice Reporter〕、美国索赔法院判例汇编〔United States Federal Claims Reporter〕;3个州单元:加利福尼亚州判例汇编〔California Reporter〕、伊利诺伊州判例汇编〔Illinois Decisions〕、纽约州判例补编〔New York Supplement〕;7个州区单元:大西洋区、太平洋区、东北区、东南区、西北区、西南区和南区。整个系统以钥匙号索引体系〔key number indexing scheme〕联结起来,其中每个案件均有一个摘要和钥匙号,可与美国判例摘要系统〔American Digest System〕相参照。全国判例汇编系统极大地简化了美国判例的检索工作。

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