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future interest

future interest. A property interest in which the privilege of possession or of other enjoyment is future and not present. • A future interest can exist in either the grantor (as with a reversion) or the grantee (as with a remainder or executory interest). Today, most future interests are equitable interests in stocks and debt

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vest, vb. 1. To confer ownership of (property) upon a person. 2. To invest (a person) with the full title to property. 3. To give (a person) an immediate, fixed right of present or future enjoyment. 4. Hist. To put (a person) into possession of land by the ceremony of investiture. — vesting, n.

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fructus civiles

fructus civiles (fr[schwa]k-t[schwa]s s[schwa]-vI-leez). [Latin “civil fruits”] Roman & civil law. Income (such as rent or interest) that one receives from another for the use or enjoyment of a thing, esp. real property or loaned money. • In Roman law, fructus civiles included both minerals and the earnings of slaves.

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discommon (dis-kom-[schwa]n), vb. 1. To deprive of the right of common (e.g., the right to pasture). 2. To deprive (something, esp. land) of commonable character. • A person could discommon land by separating or enclosing it. 3. To deprive (someone) of the privileges of a place, such as the right to use common land or

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abeyance ([schwa]-bay-[schwa]nts), n. 1. Temporary inactivity; suspension. 2. Property. A lapse in suc-cession during which no person is vested with title. — abeyant, adj. “Abeyance, from the French bayer, to expect, is that which is in expectation, remembrance, and intendment of law. By a principle of law, in every land there is a fee simple

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continuous easement

An easement that may be enjoyed without a deliberate act by the party claiming it, such as an easement for drains, sewer pipes, lateral support of a wall, or light and air. — Also termed (in Louisiana) continuous servitude. Cf. discontinuous easement. [Cases: Easements 38. C.J.S. Easements §§ 57, 143–144, 146–147, 165–167.]

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senatus consultum

senatus consultum (si-nay-t[schwa]s k[schwa]n-s[schwa]l-t[schwa]m). [Latin] Roman law. In the Republic, a resolution of the Roman Senate, which did not have the force of law (though usu. followed). • In the first century A.D., these resolutions replaced the legislation of the comitia, but by the end of the second century, they were merely the Senate’s official

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freeman. 1. A person who possesses and enjoys all the civil and political rights belonging to the people under a free government. 2. A person who is not a slave. 3. Hist. A member of a municipal corporation (a city or borough) who possesses full civic rights, esp. the right to vote. 4. Hist. A

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