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blockage rule

blockage rule. Tax. The principle that a large block of stock shares may be valued at less than the total value of the individual shares because such a large block may be difficult to sell at full price. [Cases: Internal Revenue 4534; Taxation 1072. C.J.S. Internal Revenue §§ 523, 646.]

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Blackacre. A fictitious tract of land used in legal discourse (esp. law-school hypotheticals) to discuss real-property issues. • When another tract of land is needed in a hypothetical, it is often termed “Whiteacre.” “Blackacre is the most celebrated tract of land in the world of the law …. Blackacre is wholly mythical, yet totally real.

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net worth

A measure of one’s wealth, usu. calculated as the excess of total assets over total liabilities. — Also termed net assets. [Cases: Internal Revenue 4530. C.J.S. Internal Revenue §§ 645, 872.]

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incorporation controversy

incorporation controversy 〈美〉合并争议 就美国宪法第十四条修正案将《权利法案》并入州的程度引发的争议。美国最高法院传统做法一直认定美国宪法第十四条修正案的正当法律程序条款仅将《权利法案》的部分权利并入州,此种做法由大法官本杰明·卡多佐〔Benjamin Cardozo〕明确阐述和倡导,被称之为选择性合并〔selective incorporation〕方法;1947年在亚当斯诉加利福尼亚案〔Adamson v.California〕中大法官雨果·布莱克〔Hugo Black〕首倡全部合并〔total incorporation〕法,主张美国宪法第十四条修正案要求州尊重《权利法案》所规定的所有权利,将《权利法案》全部并入州。尽管此观点未据主导地位,但美国最高法院已推翻了先前诸多先例,将《权利法案》绝大多数规定适用于州。

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leasehold interest

leasehold interest. 1. LEASEHOLD; esp., for purposes of eminent domain, the lessee’s interest in the lease itself, measured by the difference between the total remaining rent and the rent the lessee would pay for similar space for the same period. [Cases: Eminent Domain 147. C.J.S. Eminent Domain §§ 131–132, 153.] 2. A lessor’s or lessee’s

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