Search Results for: TROVER

article i court

Article I court. 1. See legislative court under COURT. 2. A type of federal legislative court that is not bound by the requirements of or protected under U.S. Const. art. III, § 2, and that performs functions similar to those of an administrative agency, such as issuing advisory opinions. U.S. Const. art. I, § 8. […]

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denial, n. 1. A refusal or rejection; esp., a court’s refusal to grant a request presented in a motion or petition (denial of the motion for summary judgment). 2. A defendant’s response controverting the facts that a plaintiff has alleged in a complaint; a repudiation (the worker filed a denial alleging that physical contact never

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form of action

The common-law legal and procedural device associated with a particular writ, each of which had specific forms of process, pleading, trial, and judgment. • The 11 common-law forms of action were trespass, trespass on the case, trover, ejectment, detinue, replevin, debt, covenant, account, special assumpsit, and general assumpsit. [Cases: Action 29; Federal Civil Procedure 71.

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precatory (prek-[schwa]-tor-ee), adj. (Of words) requesting, recommending, or expressing a desire for action, but usu. in a nonbinding way. • An example of precatory language is “it is my wish and desire to ….” [Cases: Trusts 29; Wills 467. C.J.S. Trover and Conversion § 43; Wills §§ 855–856.]

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res (rays or reez or rez), n. [Latin “thing”] 1. An object, interest, or status, as opposed to a person (jurisdiction of the res — the real property in Colorado). [Cases: Courts 16. C.J.S. Courts § 50.] 2. The subject matter of a trust; CORPUS(1) (the stock certificate is the res of the trust). [Cases:

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