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monomania (mon-[schwa]-may-nee-[schwa]). Insanity about some particular subject or class of subjects, usu. manifested by a single insane delusion. • A will made by someone suffering from this condition is usu. held valid unless the evidence shows that particular provisions in the will were influenced by the insane delusion. [Cases: Mental Health 3. 1.] — monomaniacal, […]

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(薪金、工资、工时)明细表 英语:schedule (salaries, wages, hours) 法语:grille des salaires, grille indiciaire, grille horaire 德语:tabellarischer Anhang (zu einem Vertrag), Zusatzliste 意大利语:tabella, prospetto 西班牙语:lista, escala

(薪金、工资、工时)明细表 Read More »


adulterium (ad-[schwa]l-teer-ee-[schwa]m), n. [Latin] Roman & civil law. 1. The crime of adultery. 2. A punishment imposed for the offense of adultery. “Adulterium…. [A]dultery … was considered a criminal offense only when committed by a married woman (adultera) …. [Before the Lex Julia de adulteriis coercendis of 18 B.C.], customary law admitted only immediate revenge

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homicidium (hom-[schwa]-sI-dee-[schwa]m), n. [Latin “felling of a person”] Homicide. homicidium ex casu (eks kay-s[y]oo). Homicide by accident. See ACCIDENTAL KILLING. homicidium ex justitia (eks j[schwa]s-tish-ee-[schwa]). Homicide in the administration of justice, or in the carrying out of a legal sentence. See justifiable homicide (2) under HOMICIDE. homicidium ex necessitate (eks n[schwa]-ses-i-tay-tee). Homicide from inevitable necessity,

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joint check rule

joint-check rule. The principle that, when an owner or general contractor issues a check that is made jointly payable to a subcontractor and the subcontractor’s materialman, the materialman’s indorsement on the check certifies that it has been paid all amounts due to it, up to the amount of the check. • This rule protects the

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