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housebreaking. The crime of breaking into a dwelling or other secured building, with the intent to commit a felony inside; BURGLARY. • Burglary is now used more frequently than housebreaking. In England, for example, housebreaking was replaced in 1968 with statutory burglary, though the term is still used in Scots law. In some jurisdictions, housebreaking

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work for hire

A copyrightable work produced either by an employee within the scope of employment or by an independent contractor under a written agreement; esp., a work specially ordered or commissioned for use as (1) a contribution to a collective work, (2) a translation, (3) a supplementary work, (4) a part of a movie or other audiovisual

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fourteenth amendment

Fourteenth Amendment. The constitutional amendment, ratified in 1868, whose primary provisions effectively apply the Bill of Rights to the states by prohibiting states from denying due process and equal protection and from abridging the privileges and immunities of U.S. citizenship. • The amendment also gave Congress the power to enforce these provisions, leading to legislation

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legal usufruct

A usufruct established by operation of law, such as the right of a surviving spouse to property owned by the deceased spouse. La. Civ. Code art. 890. [Cases: Dower and Curtesy 1, 29; Executors and Administrators 176; Wills 11. C.J.S. Dower §§ 2, 5–6, 41, 136–138; Executors and Administrators § 353; Wills §§ 76–87, 381.]

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