Search Results for: RULE, THE


precept (pree-sept). 1. A standard or rule of conduct; a command or principle ( several legal precepts govern here). [Cases: Courts 87–100. C.J.S. Courts §§ 135–136, 139–164, 166–169; Trade-Marks, Trade-Names, and Unfair Competition§ 187.] 2. A writ or warrant issued by an authorized person demanding another’s action, such as a judge’s order to an officer […]

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murdrum (m[schwa]r-dr[schwa]m). [Law Latin] Hist. 1. The secret killing of someone. 2. A fine against the tithing where the secret and unsolved homicide took place. “The readiness with which the Norman administrators seized on this Anglo-Saxon system was probably due to its effectiveness in collecting the murdrum, the murder fine. In ordinary cases of homicide,

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local law theory

Conflict of laws. The view that, although a court of the forum recognizes and enforces a local right (that is, one created under its own law), in a foreign-element case it does not necessarily apply the rule that would govern an analogous case of a purely domestic character, but instead takes into account the law

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penal (pee-n[schwa]l), adj. Of, relating to, or being a penalty or punishment, esp. for a crime. “The general rule is that penal statutes are to be construed strictly. By the word ‘penal’ in this connection is meant not only such statutes as in terms impose a fine, or corporal punishment, or forfeiture as a consequence

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city n. (1)〈美〉地方自治市 市是为了向聚居的居民提供公共服务、根据居民自愿申请、经州特许成立的、自愿结成法人团体的市政自治体,是美国规模最大等级最高的市政自治体。市应在市宪章〔charter〕之下进行运作。在市宪章中至少赋予其一定范围的自治权〔home rule〕,有时甚至是完全的自治权。通常市政府由三个机构组成:1以市长〔mayor〕为首脑的行政机关;2立法机关,称之为市议会或市政会;3市法院。不过,在某些情况下,市政府的这种组织形式已为宪法条款或法律转换为市主管制〔city manager〕或委员会制〔commission〕。 (2)〈英〉特许市 由英王特许、一般为主教坐席之地的都市。

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notification. 1. Int’l law. A formal announcement of a legally relevant fact, action, or intent, such as notice of an intent to withdraw from a treaty. 2. NOTICE. • A person receives notification if someone else (1) informs the person of the fact or of other facts from which the person has reason to know

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