Search Results for: RULE, THE

multidistrict litigation

multidistrict litigation 〈美〉多地区诉讼 指涉及一个或多个共同的事实问题的若干民事案件同时在几个不同的联邦地区法院待决时,可将这些案件移送至其中一个地区法院以便统一管理,并由一名法官来进行审理。可能发生多地区诉讼的案件类型包括反垄断案件、共同灾难(如空难)案件、专利和商标案件、产品责任案件、违反证券法的案件等。此等案件的分派与移送由「多地区诉讼专门司法小组」〔Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation〕按「复杂诉讼指南」〔Manual for Complex Litigation〕及「多地区诉讼专门司法小组办案程序规则」〔Rules of Procedure of the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation〕来办理。

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writ of revivor

writ of revivor 〈英〉恢复判决执行令 在由于判决执行期限已过或由于当事人的死亡等而致当事人的变更从而需要恢复判决的执行效力的情况下,主张有权请求执行判决的一方当事人可依法定形式申请签发恢复判决执行令,或者申请法庭许可在案卷中记明他看起来有权获得对该判决的执行令,法庭根据说明理由的命令〔rule to show cause〕或传票授予许可。

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piercing the corporate veil

piercing the corporate veil 揭穿公司面纱 一项司法原则,即对公司的违法行为,例如为实施诈骗而成立公司,法院可以不考虑通常的免除公司管理人员等人的个人责任。根据此项原则,以公司名义实施欺诈或其他不法行为时,可以不顾公司的法人结构和股东的有限责任,责令股东、管理人员、董事等人承担个人责任。但法院只有对欺诈行为或违法行为或为避免侵害他人权利时,才能不考虑其公司的组织形式。 (→instrumentality rule)

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heptarchy (hep-tahr-kee). 1. A government by seven rulers. 2. A nation divided into seven governments, specif. the seven Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of Kent, Sussex, Essex, Wessex, East Anglia, Mercia, and Northumbria existing before the Norman Conquest.

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attenuation doctrine

attenuation doctrine ([schwa]-ten-y[schwa]-way-sh[schwa]n).Criminal procedure. The rule pro-viding that evidence obtained by illegal means may nonetheless be admissible if the connection between the evidence and the illegal means is sufficiently attenuated or remote. • This is an exception to the fruit-of-the-poisonous-tree doctrine. See FRUIT-OF-THE-POISONOUS-TREE DOCTRINE . [Cases: Criminal Law 394.1(3). C.J.S. Criminal Law §§ 771, 773–775.]

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