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dagger-money n. 〈英〉匕首钱 主持完诺森伯兰巡回审判庭〔Northumberland assizes〕的法官们在离开纽卡斯尔〔Newcastle〕时,高级法官可以得到一个杰科巴士〔Jacobus〕或一个金沙弗林〔gold sovereign〕,低级法官可以获得一个查理硬币〔Carolus〕,用来购买匕首,以防备苏格兰袭击者的侵犯。

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handwriting. Evidence. 1. A person’s chirography; the cast or form of writing peculiar to a person, including the size, shape, and style of letters, and whatever gives individuality to one’s writing. [Cases: Evidence 561. C.J.S. Evidence §§ 800–803.] 2. Something written by hand; a writing specimen. • Nonexpert opinion about the genuineness of handwriting, based

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retreat rule

Criminal law. The doctrine holding that the victim of a murderous assault must choose a safe retreat instead of resorting to deadly force in self-defense, unless (1) the victim is at home or in his or her place of business (the so-called castle doctrine), or (2) the assailant is a person whom the victim is

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time shifting

time-shifting. The practice of recording a broadcast for viewing at a later time. • Time-shifting was found to be a noninfringing fair use of videotape recorders in Sony Corp. v. Universal Studios, Inc., 464 U.S. 417, 104 S.Ct. 774 (1984). [Cases: Copyrights and Intellectual Property 67. 1. C.J.S. Copyrights and Intellectual Property §§ 51–52, 54.]

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escheat n. 土地复归 在英格兰封建土地法中,指土地保有人因死亡时缺乏继承人或犯重罪而其土地复归给领主。在后一种情况下,保有人的土地就丧失了可继承性并转归领主所有,但国王有权对该土地享有一年零一天的收益权,后来国王的这种特权可以通过领主向王室交纳税金或提供服务来代替。但如果土地保有人犯有严重叛国罪,则其土地被国王直接没收〔forfeiture〕。领主所享有的因缺乏继承人而产生的土地复归权为1925年的法律所取消,实际上转化为了国王或兰开斯特公爵〔Duke of Lancaster〕、康沃尔公爵〔Duke of Cornwall〕对无主财产〔bona vacantia〕的权利;因犯重罪而产生的土地复归在1870年被取消。土地复归与财产没收〔forfeiture〕不同,前者源于土地保有,会影响到无遗嘱继承,实际上是基于传承的障碍;而后者是一种刑罚,国王只不过是依特权而将财产没收,在这种情况下,土地保有人的直接领主丧失土地复归权。在美国,土地所有人无遗嘱而且没有继承人时,土地归国家所有 。(→forfeiture)

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