Search Results for: CHANCER


writ n. (1)书面命令;令状 在英格兰法上指由文秘署〔Chancery〕以国王的名义签发给郡长、或者法庭或政府官员要求接收令状的人作为或不作为的命令。起初为了行政管理和司法的目的而签发,后仅为司法目的而签发,尤其是在国王和王室法庭干预地方法庭或领主法庭时使用,如命令郡长公正审判,或命令把某个案件移送至王室法庭审判等。诺曼王朝时开始使用令状,原来仅为解决某一具体问题而签发,但后来同类事件屡有发生,于是逐渐采用一种固定的格式书写并签发,亨利二世时已成为王室司法中的一种习惯做法,即自由人若欲在王室法庭提起诉讼,须先取得(当时主要以金钱购买)相应的令状,然后根据一定的程序进行诉讼。普通法的诉讼遂演变为必须使用令状进行。随着案件的增加及复杂化,13世纪时令状的数量亦显着增加(亨利三世时令状仅有约50个,爱德华一世时已增至约500个),导致王室法庭司法管辖权和对地方法庭干预权的不断扩大。这引起了领主和贵族的强烈不满,1258年的《牛津条例》〔Provisions of Oxford〕规定,未经国王和大谘议会〔Great Council〕的允许,文秘署署长〔Chancellor〕不得擅自签发新的令状。但为了避免权利得不到救济,1285年的《威斯敏斯特法Ⅱ》〔Statute of Westminster Ⅱ〕授权文秘署官员遇到与根据现有令状可获得救济案件的类似案件时,可以对现有令状进行变通以审理这些案件,但这并不产生新的权利和救济手段。一般而言,令状有两种主要类型,即特权令状〔prerogative writs〕和权利令状〔writs of right〕,后者又包括诉讼开始令状〔original writs〕和司法令状〔judicial writs〕。早期的令状多是关于地产诉讼方面的。令状制度是普通法中特有的一项司法制度,它对普通法的形成和发展起了巨大的作用。它要求特定的诉讼形式和正当的诉讼程序,强调程序的重要性,对程序法的发展具有一定的积极意义。近现代以来,尤其是19世纪,许多令状相继被废止,仅有少数令状仍在使用,如传唤令状(传票)〔writ of summons〕、调查令状〔writ of inquiry〕、执行令状〔writ of execution〕等。 (2)(英格兰古法)文书;文件 (3)诉讼 用于古书中。 (4)英王室文秘署官员〔Clerk of the Crown in Chancery〕或以前的北爱尔兰总督〔Governor of Northern Ireland〕签发的一种书面文件 用于指示议会议员选区的选举监察官主持选举,选出代表该选区的议会议员。在大选时,该文件由女王授权御前大臣〔Lord Chancellor〕签发;在补选时,则经下议院议长批准后由文秘署官员签发。

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assent of personal representatives

assent of personal representatives 〈英〉死者代理人的同意 指死者的代理人使遗赠或继承生效的行为。该同意将使继承人享有的权利成为完全的权利,如果遗产是特定的〔specific〕,他可以诉请取回原物;如果是金钱继承,他可以就死者遗产管理提起诉讼。自1926年起,同意交付一项合法地产必须采用书面形式,由死者代理人签名,并指明有关的受益人。如果是动产,则可采用将标的物授予或移交给权利人的明示方法,或者通过行为默示其已完成了对死者遗赠财产的处置,例如授权受遗赠人从第三人那里接受移交等。如果死者代理人无正当理由而拒绝同意,大法官分庭〔Chancery Division〕可强制其同意。遗嘱执行人若在死者死亡一年后仍不执行遗嘱,可强制其执行。

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hanaper office

Hanaper Office. Hist. An office formerly belonging to the common-law jurisdiction of the Chancery Court. • The term derives from the storage of writs in a hamper (in hanaperio). Crown writs, on the other hand, were stored in the Petty Bag Office. The Hanaper Office was abolished in 1842. See BAGA.

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monstraverunt (mon-str[schwa]-veer-[schwa]nt). [Latin “they have showed”] Hist. A writ of relief for tenants of ancient demesne who were distrained by their lord to do more than the tenure required. — Also termed writ of monstraverunt. “The little writ serves the turn of a man who claims land according to the custom of the manor; but

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corpus cum causa

corpus cum causa (kor-p[schwa]s k[schwa]m kaw-z[schwa]). [Law Latin “the body with the cause”] Hist. A writ issuing out of Chancery to remove both a person and a record from an inferior court in order to review a judgment issued by the inferior court. “The first use of the writ to challenge imprisonment was in cases

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a cancellando

a cancellando (ay kan-s[schwa]-lan-doh). [Law Latin] From canceling. “It has its name of chancery, cancellaria, from the judge who presides here, the lord chancellor or cancellarius; who, Sir Edward Coke tells us, is so termed a cancellando, from cancelling the king’s letters patents when granted contrary to law ….” 3 William Blackstone, Commentaries on the

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