Search Results for: CHANCER

duchy court of Lancaster

duchy court of Lancaster 〈英〉兰开斯特公爵领地法庭 以前由兰开斯特公爵领地的枢密大臣〔Chancellor〕或其代表主持的一个处理该领地内有关衡平及税收事务案件的法庭。它采用与衡平法庭〔Chancery Court〕处理衡平案件时相同的程序,所以它不是存卷法院。衡平法庭与它有并存的案件管辖权。另外,它不同于巴拉丁郡领地的衡平法庭〔Chancery Court of the County Palatine〕。1835年以来它就一直没有开庭,但并未被正式取消。 (→duchy of Lancaster)

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noctanter (nok-tan-t[schwa]r), n. [Latin “by night”] Hist. A chancery writ issued to a sheriff as a first step in the recovery of damages for destroying a ditch or hedge. • The neighboring villagers (vills) were held liable for the damages unless they indicted the offender.

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surcharge, n. 1. An additional tax, charge, or cost, usu. one that is excessive. 2. An additional load or burden. 3. A second or further mortgage. 4. The omission of a proper credit on an account. 5. The amount that a court may charge a fiduciary that has breached its duty. 6. An overprint on

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Hanaper Office

Hanaper Office 〈英〉衡平法院普通臣民事务局;大篮子文件局 与原衡平法院〔Court of Chancery〕普通法管辖权相关的机构,之所以称其为「大篮子文件局」,是因为所有关于普通臣民事务的令状及其回呈〔returns〕均被保存在一个有盖的大篮子之中,而有关国王的令状及回呈则保存在小袋中。该文件局的职能在于为已盖国玺〔Great Seal〕的特许状〔charters〕、特许证书〔patents〕及令状〔writs〕加盖印章。

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prerogative court

prerogative court 〈英〉 (1)特权法院 中世纪行使国王特权的各类法院,包括星室法院〔Star Chamber〕、高等宗教事务法院〔High Commission〕、小额债权法院〔Court of Requests〕与衡平法院〔Court of Chancery〕。这些法院区别于行使普通法司法管辖权的法院,它们在17世纪时与普通法法院发生了激烈冲突,并在执行未经议会同意之国王政策时尤其受到批判。1660年之前除衡平法院外,其它特权法院均被废除。 (2)(大主教)遗嘱检验法院 旧时管辖遗嘱检验、遗产管理、继承等事务的教会法院。当死者的财产在一个以上教区〔diocese〕时,由大主教指定一名法官行使对该事务的管辖权。该法院的管辖权已被废止,遗嘱管辖转交高等法院大法官分庭〔Chancery Division of the High Court〕。

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