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cross-purchase buy-sell agreement

cross-purchase buy-sell agreement 互购买卖协议 1根据该协议,企业的留存股东同意购买退出股东在企业的股东权益。例如,甲和乙均为丙公司的股东,如果乙决定退出丙公司,则根据互购买卖协议,甲将承购乙在丙公司的股权;2在合伙保险方案中,每一个合伙人购买和持有以其他合伙人的生命为保险标的的足额保险,以便为购买其他合伙人的合伙份额提供资金。 (→buy-sell agreement)

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mary carter agreement

Mary Carter agreement. A contract (usu. a secret one) by which one or more, but not all, codefendants settle with the plaintiff and obtain a release, along with a provision granting them a portion of any recovery from the nonparticipating codefendants. • In a Mary Carter agreement, the participating codefendants agree to remain parties to

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