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entire agreement clause

entire-agreement clause. 1. INTEGRATION CLAUSE. 2. A provision in an insurance contract stating that the entire agreement between the insured and insurer is contained in the contract, often including the application (if attached), declarations, insuring agreement, exclusions, conditions, and endorsements. — Also termed entire-contract clause. [Cases: Insurance 1838, 1856. C.J.S. Insurance §§ 373–375.]

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agreement n. 协议;协定 指两人或多人就其与过去或将来实施行为相关的权利和义务等内容而形成的双方合意〔mutual assent〕。该词既可用于指无对价的非正式协议,如君子协议等,也可用于指有对价支持的合法的正式协议,而合同〔contract〕一词则仅用于指后者,故凡合同均为协议,但并非每一协议均为合同。

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collective labor agreement

collective labor agreement 集体劳动协议 又称「集体谈判协议」或「劳资协议」。与僱主和单个僱员签订的个人劳动协议相对,该类协议是由工会或其他僱员组织与僱主或行业公会等僱主组织签订的有关就业条件的协议。由工会与行业公会签订的也称行业协议〔trade agreement〕。僱员与僱主个别签订的协议,须以集体劳动协议为依据。

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Mary Carter agreement

Mary Carter agreement 〈美〉玛丽·卡特协议 「玛丽·卡特协议」的术语源自于1967年的一个着名案件,即「布斯诉玛丽·卡特油漆公司案」〔Booth v. Mary Carter Paint Co.〕。现较广泛适用于原告和部分被告(不是所有被告)间达成的任何协议。据此协议可减轻达成协议的被告的经济责任,其减轻的数额是可变的,往往同原告从未达成协议的被告处获得的赔偿额成反比。在美国某些州中,此类协议被认定违反公共政策而无效,但在另一些州中只要已向陪审团披露即被允许。

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montreal agreement

Montreal Agreement. A private agreement, signed by most international airlines, waiving both the Warsaw Convention’s limitation on liability for death and personal-injury cases (currently about $20,000) and the airline’s due-care defenses, raising the liability limit per passenger to $75,000, and providing for absolute liability on the part of the carrier (in the absence of passenger

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