Search Results for: TEC

Redwood Employment Protection Program

Redwood Employment Protection Program 〈美〉红树林僱员保护计划 一项美国历史上最浪费的混乱的财政计划。由于红树林国家公园增加了48 000英亩土地并停止一切商业活动,卡特总统在1978年3月27日签署法令,在1 500名伐木工和工厂工人寻找其他工作期间,向他们发放年平均工资达5年之久。

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paris convention for the protection of industrial property

Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. A treaty designed to unify and streamline patent prosecutions and trademark applications among the signatories. • The Convention eased the harsh effects of the first-to-file priority rule by allowing an applicant in any member country one year in which to apply in other member countries while maintaining

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unfair trade practices and consumer protection law

Unfair Trade Practices and Consumer Protection Law. A model statute patterned on the Federal Trade Commission Act and proposed by the FTC in 1967 for adoption by the states; a state law providing consumer-protection remedies, including private causes of action, for deceptive trade practices and false advertising. • The Act gives the state attorney general

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protective search

A search of a detained suspect and the area within the suspect’s immediate control, conducted to protect the arresting officer’s safety (as from a concealed weapon) and often to preserve evidence. • A protective search can be conducted without a warrant. Chimel v. California, 395 U.S. 752, 89 S.Ct. 2034 (1969). — Also termed search

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