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casus improvisus

casus improvisus (kay-s[schwa]s im-pr[schwa]-vI-z[schwa]s). [Latin] Hist. An unforeseen case; a case not provided for. “Casus improvisus …. This phrase is of frequent occurrence, and admits of varied illustration. Thus, if an Act of Parliament has been passed for the removal of some inconvenience, or the suppression of some evil, and specifies the circumstances or cases […]

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safe, adj. 1. Not exposed to danger; not causing danger (driving at a safe limit of speed). 2. Unlikely to be overturned or proved wrong.

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locus poenitentiae

locus poenitentiae (loh-k[schwa]s pen-[schwa]-ten-shee-ee). [Latin “place of repentance”] 1. A point at which it is not too late for one to change one’s legal position; the possibility of withdrawing from a contemplated course of action, esp. a wrong, before being committed to it. “The requirement of an overt act before conspirators can be prosecuted and

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inherency doctrine

inherency doctrine. Patents. The rule that anticipation can be inferred despite a missing element in a prior-art reference if the missing element is either necessarily present in or a natural result of the product or process and a person of ordinary skill in the art would know it. • On one hand, the doctrine precludes

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employment standards administration

Employment Standards Administration. A unit in the U.S. Department of Labor responsible for administering various laws and programs pertaining to minimum-wage and overtime standards, registration of farm-labor contractors, wage rates to be paid and the nondiscrimination and affirmative-action programs to be followed by government contractors and subcontractors, workers’-compensation programs for federal and certain private employers,

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apex rule

apex rule. Mining law. The principle that a vein of ore may be mined if it extends beyond the vertical boundaries of the surface claim on which the vein apexes. — Also termed extralateral right. Cf. INTRALIMINAL RIGHT. [Cases: Mines and Minerals 30. C.J.S. Mines and Minerals § 69.]

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kind arbitrage

Purchase of a security that, having no restriction other than the payment of money, is exchangeable or convertible within a reasonable time to a second security, with a simultaneous offsetting sale of the second security. — Also termed convertible arbitrage.

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