Search Results for: IMPORT


postpone, vb. 1. To put off to a later time. 2. To place lower in precedence or importance; esp., to subordinate (a lien) to a later one. 3. Parliamentary law. To temporarily or permanently suppress a main motion. — postponement, n. postpone definitely. To delay a main motion’s consideration to a specified time or until […]

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contraband (kon-tr[schwa]-band), n. 1. Illegal or prohibited trade; smuggling. 2. Goods that are unlawful to import, export, or possess. — contraband, adj. absolute contraband. Goods used primarily for war, such as arms and ammunition, as well as clothing and equipment of a military character. conditional contraband. Goods susceptible of being used for warlike and peaceful

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borough (b[schwa]r-[schwa]), n. 1. A town or township with a municipal charter, such as one of the five political divisions of New York City. [Cases: Municipal Corporations 6. C.J.S. Municipal Corporations § 12.] 2. English law. A chartered town that originally sent a member to Parliament. 3. Hist. A fortified or important town. — Also

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patent act of 1790

Patent Act of 1790. Hist. The first U.S. patent statute, establishing a board to examine patent applications, specifications, and drawings to determine whether the inventions are “sufficiently useful and important” to justify the granting of patents. • The examining board, comprising the Secretary of State, the Secretary of War, and the Attorney General, was abolished

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digital signature

A secure, digital code attached to an electronically transmitted message that uniquely identifies and authenticates the sender. • A digital signature consists of a “hashed” number combined with a number assigned to a document (a private-encryption key). Generating a signature requires the use of private- and public-key-encryption software, and is often activated by a simple

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free port

A port located outside a country’s customs frontier, so that goods may be delivered usu. free of import duties or taxes, without being subjected to customs-control procedures; FREE-TRADE ZONE.

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emporium (em-por-ee-[schwa]m), n. 1. A place for wholesale trade in commodities carried by sea. • The term is sometimes applied to a seaport town, but properly signifies only a particular place in such a town. 2. An important marketplace. 3. A large retail store that sells a wide variety of goods.

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sex discrimination

Discrimination based on gender, esp. against women. • The Supreme Court has established an intermediate-scrutiny standard of review for gender-based classifications, which must serve an important governmental interest and be substantially related to the achievement of that objective. Craig v. Boren, 429 U.S. 190, 97 S.Ct. 451 (1976). — Also termed gender discrimination. [Cases: Civil

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