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quota. 1. A proportional share assigned to a person or group; an allotment (the university’s admission standards included a quota for in-state residents). [Cases: Colleges and Universities 9.15. C.J.S. Colleges and Universities § 30.] 2. A quantitative restriction; a minimum or maximum number (Faldo met his sales quota for the month). export quota. A restriction […]

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opinion rule

Evidence. The principle that a witness should testify to facts, not opinions, and that a nonexpert witness’s opinions are often excludable from evidence. • Traditionally, this principle is regarded as one of the important exclusionary rules in evidence law. It is based on the idea that a witness who has observed data should provide the

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united states court of international trade

United States Court of International Trade. A court with jurisdiction over any civil action against the United States arising from federal laws governing import transactions or the eligibility of workers, firms, and communities for adjustment assistance under the Trade Act of 1974 (19 USCA §§ 2101–2495). • Its exclusive jurisdiction also includes actions to recover

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chattel real

A real-property interest that is less than a freehold or fee, such as a leasehold estate. • The most important chattel real is an estate for years in land, which is considered a chattel because it lacks the indefiniteness of time essential to real property. — Also termed real chattel. [Cases: Property 4. C.J.S. Property

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delivered ex ship

delivered ex ship. A mercantile-contract term allocating the rights and duties of the buyer and the seller of goods with respect to delivery, payment, and risk of loss, whereby the seller must clear the goods for export and bear the costs of transportation (apart from unloading charges and import duties) to the importing nation’s port

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good health

good health. Insurance. A state of reasonable healthiness; a state of health free from serious disease. • Good health, a phrase often appearing in life-insurance policies, does not mean perfect health. — Also termed sound health. [Cases: Insurance 1758, 3003(8). C.J.S. Insurance § 314.] “As used in policies of insurance, there is no material difference

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maquiladora (mah-kee-l[schwa]-dohr-[schwa]), n. [fr. Spanish maquilar “gristmill”] A Mexican corporation, esp. one that holds a permit to operate under a special customs regime that temporarily allows the corporation to import duty-free into Mexico various raw materials, equipment, machinery, replacement parts, and other items needed for the assembly or manufacture of finished goods for export. —

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accounting for fruits

accounting for fruits. Civil law. A claim for the return of natural or civil fruits against an adverse possessor or other person obligated by law or contract to account for fruits. See FRUIT(2). ACCOUNTING FOR PROFITS accounting for profits. An action for equitable relief against a person in a fiduciary relationship to recover profits taken

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