Search Results for: EXEMPT

taxable income

Gross income minus all allowable deductions and exemptions. • Taxable income is multiplied by the applicable tax rate to compute one’s tax liability. [Cases: Internal Revenue 4529; Taxation 980. C.J.S. Internal Revenue §§ 644–645; Taxation §§ 1715–1716.]

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charitable organization

charitable organization. Tax. A tax-exempt organization that (1) is organized and operated exclusively for religious, scientific, literary, educational, athletic, public-safety, or community-service purposes, (2) does not distribute earnings for the benefit of private individuals, and (3) does not participate in any way in political candidate campaigns, or engage in substantial lobbying. IRC (26 USCA) §

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augmented estate

augmented estate 扩大的遗产 扩大的遗产是制定法中为生存配偶一方的利益而规定的被扩大了的强制性份额,指从死者遗产中扣除丧葬费用、遗产管理费用、宅地津贴〔homestead allowance〕、家庭津贴〔family allowance〕、债务豁免财产〔exemption〕及死者的债务等之后,又加上死者生前向其他人赠与的财产数额,所得到的遗产额。但善意购买者及死者去世时其生存配偶方所拥有的财产,不属于扩大的遗产份额。

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tax return

An income-tax form on which a person or entity reports income, deductions, and exemptions, and on which tax liability is calculated. — Often shortened to return. — Also termed income-tax return. [Cases: Internal Revenue 4470; Taxation 1079.1, 1313. C.J.S. Internal Revenue §§ 547, 575, 631; Taxation § 2038.]

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municipal bond

A bond issued by a nonfederal government or governmental unit, such as a state bond to finance local improvements. • The interest received from a municipal bond may be exempt from federal, state, and local taxes. — Often shortened (in plural) to municipals; munies. — Also termed municipal security. [Cases: Municipal Corporations 911. C.J.S. Municipal

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active supervision

active supervision. Antitrust. Under the test for determining whether a private entity may claim a state-action exemption from the antitrust laws, the right of the state to review the entity’s anticompetitive acts and to disap-prove those acts that do not promote state policy. See STATE-ACTION DOCTRINE; MIDCAL TEST. [Cases: Monopolies 12(15.5). C.J.S. Monopolies §§ 136,

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