Search Results for: EXEMPT


teamwork. Work done by a team; esp., work by a team of animals as a substantial part of one’s business, such as farming, express carrying, freight hauling, or transporting material. • In some jurisdictions, animals (such as horses) that work in teams are exempt from execution on a civil judgment.

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wardwit, n. Hist. 1. An immunity or exemption from the duty of warding or contributing to warding. 2. A fine for failing to watch and ward. — Also termed warwit; wardwite.

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hedagium (h[schwa]-day-jee-[schwa]m), n. [Law Latin] Hist. A toll or custom due at a wharf for landing goods. • The Crown exempted particular persons and societies from this toll.

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medical neglect

Failure to provide medical, dental, or psychiatric care that is necessary to prevent or to treat serious physical or emotional injury or illness. • In determining whether a parent’s refusal to consent to medical treatment is neglectful, courts use any of three approaches: (1) an ad hoc test, (2) a best-interests-of-the-child test, or (3) a

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save, vb. 1. To preserve from danger or loss (save a ship in distress). 2. To lay up; to hoard (save money). 3. To toll or suspend (the operation, running, etc.) of something (save a statute of limitations). 4. To except, reserve, or exempt (a right, etc.) (to save vested rights). 5. To lessen or

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