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circuit riding

circuit-riding, n. The practice of judges’ traveling within a legislatively defined circuit to hear cases in one place for a time, then another, and so on. • The American practice of circuit-riding was based on the English eyre system, in which justices rode between the shire towns to hold assizes. “The Judiciary Act of 1789 […]

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surprise. An occurrence for which there is no adequate warning or that affects someone in an unexpected way. • In a trial, the procedural rules are designed to limit surprise — or trial by ambush — as much as possible. For example, the parties in a civil case are permitted to conduct discovery, to determine

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salary. An agreed compensation for services — esp. professional or semiprofessional services — usu. paid at regular intervals on a yearly basis, as distinguished from an hourly basis. • Salaried positions are usu. exempt from the requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act (on overtime and the like) but are subject to state regulation. Cf.

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restraint of trade

restraint of trade. 1. A limitation on business dealings or professional or gainful occupations. 2. Antitrust. An agreement between or combination of businesses intended to eliminate competition, create a monopoly, artificially raise prices, or otherwise adversely affect the free market. • Restraints of trade are usu. illegal, but may be declared reasonable if they are

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famous trademark

A trademark that not only is distinctive but also has been used and heavily advertised or widely accepted in the channels of trade over a long time, and is so well known that consumers immediately associate it with one specific product or service. • Only famous marks are protected from dilution. Eight nonexclusive statutory factors

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securitize, vb. To convert (assets) into negotiable securities for resale in the financial market, allowing the issuing financial institution to remove assets from its books and thereby improve its capital ratio and liquidity while making new loans with the security proceeds. — securitized, adj. — securitization, n.

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tombstone. Securities. An advertisement (esp. in a newspaper) for a public securities offering, describing the security and identifying the sellers. • The term gets its name from the ad’s traditional black border and plain print. — Also termed tombstone advertisement; tombstone ad. Cf. PROSPECTUS.

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synergism (sin-[schwa]r-jiz-[schwa]m), n. Patents. 1. A combination of known elements or functions that create a result greater than the sum of the individual elements or functions. • Demonstrating that synergism exists is sometimes useful in proving nonobviousness. The U.S. Supreme Court held that synergism was a requirement for a combination patent in Great Atl. &

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