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reverse, vb. To overturn (a judgment) on appeal. • Sometimes, the verb is used without a direct object (We reverse). The equivalent expression in British English is to allow the appeal.

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(薪金、工资、工时)明细表 英语:schedule (salaries, wages, hours) 法语:grille des salaires, grille indiciaire, grille horaire 德语:tabellarischer Anhang (zu einem Vertrag), Zusatzliste 意大利语:tabella, prospetto 西班牙语:lista, escala

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attempt n. 犯罪未遂;未遂 指行为人企图实施犯罪,但在实施犯罪过程中因受到阻碍而没有完成犯罪。系英美法上不完整罪〔inchoate crime〕的一种情形,与既遂犯〔attempted crime〕相对。未遂的成立要件:1具有实施犯罪的故意;2实施了接近完成该罪的外在行为〔overt act〕,而不仅仅是只有犯意或处于预备阶段〔preparation〕;3犯罪没有完成;4具有实施犯罪的明显可能性〔apparent possibility〕。美国《模范刑法典》〔Model Penal Code〕关于未遂的规定具有下列特点:第一,实施了行为就算既遂的犯罪即行为犯之情形下,也可能存在犯罪未遂;第二,明确规定「不作为」〔omission〕的情况下有犯罪未遂;第三,「明知」〔knowledge〕故意也可能有犯罪未遂;第四,未遂的概念是指足以确证犯罪意图并将达到犯罪完成的实质性步骤的作为或不作为。

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contagion. Int’l law. A discredited doctrine holding that revolution or abhorrent practices in a neighboring state justify its invasion and the overthrow of its government on the grounds of national security. • The doctrine was employed by the Holy Alliance (1815–1848) in Europe to invade countries where revolutions were brewing. — Also termed doctrine of

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vestments n. 〈英〉法衣 《公祷书》中的礼拜用品规则〔Ornaments Rubric〕,伊丽莎白一世公告〔Advertisements of Elizabeth I〕以及《信仰统一法》〔Act of Uniformity〕规定,除了在主教座堂和大圣堂〔collegiate church〕,在其它地方穿戴圣餐仪式中的牧师法衣是非法的。但自19世纪中叶崇礼派运动〔Ritualistic Movement〕始,法衣在许多地方被大量使用。1964年《牧师着衣法》〔Vestures of Ministers Measure〕规定牧师举行宗教仪式时穿着法衣。 (→ornaments rubric)

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innocence, n. The absence of guilt; esp., freedom from guilt for a particular offense. Cf. GUILT. actual innocence. Criminal law. The absence of facts that are prerequisites for the sentence given to a defendant. • In death-penalty cases, actual innocence is an exception to the cause-and-prejudice rule, and can result in a successful challenge to

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