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archbishop n. 大主教 教省的首席主教和神职人员首领,对其辖区的宗教事务拥有仅次于国王的管辖权,如监督和视察所在教省的各主教及下属的任免情况。英格兰国教教会有两个大主教,即被称作全英首主教〔Primate and Metropolitan of All England〕的坎特伯雷〔Canterbury〕大主教和被称作英格兰首主教〔Primate of England〕的约克〔York〕大主教。他们在各自辖区行使主教管辖权,并分别在上院内有一席位。大主教由主教座堂的主教参事会〔dean and chapter〕按照国王加盖国玺的特许状以及列有候选人名单的主教委任状〔letter missive〕选举产生。每一大主教或主教辖区内均设有教区法院〔consistory court〕处理该教区内的教会事务案件;每一大主教辖区又另设教省法院〔provincial court〕,主要是该教省的教区法院之上诉法院,只对某些特定案件而言是初审法院。英格兰国教会的两大教省法院是拱顶法院〔Court of Arches〕和约克教省法院〔Chancery Court of York〕。苏格兰圣公会〔Scottish Episcopal Church〕不设大主教,仅有主教团选举产生的首席主教〔Primus〕。爱尔兰教会中有两位大主教,一位是全爱尔兰首主教,即阿马〔Armagh〕大主教,另一位是爱尔兰首主教即都伯林〔Dublin〕大主教。卡舍尔〔Cashel〕和蒂厄姆〔Tuam〕的大主教职衔已在1833-1834年间降为一般主教。在罗马天主教的等级中设有英格兰大主教、苏格兰大主教和爱尔兰大主教,但他们都没有特殊的权利,只能根据法律和本教会惯例行使职权。

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devisavit vel non

devisavit vel non (dev-[schwa]-say-vit [or -zay-vit] vel non), n. [Law Latin “he (or she) devises or not”] Hist. An issue directed from a chancery court to a court of law to determine the validity of a will that has been contested, as by an allegation of fraud or testamentary incapacity. See VEL NON.

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official principal

official principal 〈英〉教务总长 由主教或大主教任命并作为其代表〔delegate〕听取当事人陈述之人,一般同时担任大法官〔Chancellor〕和主教总代理〔Vicar-General〕之职。约克教省主教法院法官〔Auditor of the Chancery Court of York〕为约克大主教〔Archbishop of York〕的教务总长。主教管区的大法官〔Chancellor of a diocese〕为该管区主教的教务总长。坎特伯雷教省的教务总长又称「拱顶法院」〔Dean of Arches〕法官。

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casu consimili

casu consimili (kay-s[y]oo k[schwa]n-sim-[schwa]-lI), n. [Latin “in a like case”] Hist. A writ of entry allowing the holder of a reversionary interest in land to sue for the return of land alienated by a life tenant or a tenant by the curtesy. • This writ originated in the second Statute of Westminster (13 Edw. I)

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ancient, adj. Evidence. Having existed for a long time without interruption, usu. at least 20 to 30 years (ancient deed) (ancient map). • Ancient items are usu. presumed to be valid even if proof of validity cannot be made. Fed. R. Evid. 901(b)(8). [Cases: Evidence 372. C.J.S. Evidence §§ 1010–1012, 1014–1015.] ancient, n. A senior

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Law Courts

Law Courts 〈英〉法院;法庭 泛指「法院」或「法庭」,也与Equity Court(衡平法院或法庭)相对,指审理普通法案件的法院或法庭。在英国,Law Courts(法院)通常是皇家法院〔Royal Courts of Justice〕这一司法机构所处之建筑物的简称。它位于伦敦斯特兰德大街北侧〔on the north side of the Strand, London〕,在圣克莱门特·戴恩教堂〔St.Clement Dane’s Church〕和文秘署巷〔Chancery Lane〕之间。其中有英格兰和威尔士最高法院〔Supreme Court of Judicature〕的法庭和办公室。现在它又向后延伸到卡里街〔Carey Street〕。在1882年该建筑物交付使用之前,高等法院衡平分庭坐落在林肯律师公会〔Lincoln’s Inn〕的楼宇中,王座分庭和离婚、遗嘱检验和海事分庭则坐落在威斯敏斯特宫附近的楼宇里。当然并不是所有的法院都位于这处建筑物。英国议会的上议院在威斯敏斯特的国会大厦〔Westminster Hall〕,枢密院司法委员会在唐宁街〔Downing Street〕,中央刑事法院在老贝莱〔Old Bailey〕,而高等法院和刑事法院则可以在英格兰和威尔士的六个巡回区内的不同城镇定期开庭。由巡回法官或刑事法院法官担任主审法官的郡法庭,也可在伦敦以及英格兰和威尔士开庭。苏格兰和北爱尔兰在各自的管辖区内都有自己的法院机构。

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cahoots (k[schwa]-hoots).Slang. Partnership, esp. in an illegal act; collusion (the lawyer was in cahoots with her client). CAIRNS’S ACT Cairns’s Act (kairn-z[schwa]z). Hist. An 1858 statute that expanded the relief available in England’s chancery courts to include monetary damages in addition to injunctive relief. • Cairns’s Act was superseded by the Judicature Acts of 1873–1875.

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