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gens (jenz), n. [Latin] Roman law. A clan or group of families who share the same name and (supposedly) a common ancestor; extended family. • Members of a gens are freeborn and possess full civic rights. Pl. gentes. “A wider group still is the gens, of great importance in early law though its importance was […]

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nephew. 1. The son of a person’s brother or sister; sometimes understood to include the son of a person’s brother-in-law or sister-in-law. • This term is extended in some wills to include a grandnephew. Cf. NIECE. [Cases: Descent and Distribution 32. C.J.S. Descent and Distribution §§ 40–41.] half nephew. The son of one’s half brother

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escheat (es-cheet), n. 1. Hist. The reversion of land ownership back to the lord when the immediate tenant dies without heirs. See WRIT OF ESCHEAT. 2. Reversion of property (esp. real property) to the state upon the death of an owner who has neither a will nor any legal heirs. [Cases: Escheat 1–8. C.J.S. Escheat

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freeware. Software, esp. open-source code, that is made generally available with express or implicit permission for anyone to use, copy, modify, and distribute for any purpose, including financial gain. • The term “free” refers to usage rights rather than price — a distinction important in two respects. First, a user may purchase the initial copy

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port. 1. A harbor where ships load and unload cargo. [Cases: Navigable Waters 14. C.J.S. Navigable Waters § 37.] 2. Any place where persons and cargo are allowed to enter a country and where customs officials are stationed. — Also termed (in sense 2) port of entry. foreign port. 1. One exclusively within the jurisdiction

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mallum (mal-[schwa]m), n. [Law Latin] Hist. 1. A superior court among the Salian Franks, with criminal jurisdiction; a high court that handles important business. 2. A public national assembly. — Also termed mallus.

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boundary. 1. A natural or artificial separation that delineates the confines of real property (the creek serves as a boundary between the two properties). See METES AND BOUNDS. [Cases: Boundaries 1–25. C.J.S. Boundaries §§ 2–63.] “The object of all rules for the establishment of boundaries is to ascertain the actual location of the boundary as

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