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criminal law

criminal law. The body of law defining offenses against the community at large, regulating how suspects are investigated, charged, and tried, and establishing punishments for convicted offenders. — Also termed penal law. “The criminal law represents the pathology of civilization.” Morris R. Cohen, Reason and Law 70 (1961). “Often the term ‘criminal law’ is used

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treasurer. An organization’s chief financial officer. • The treasurer’s duties typically include prudently depositing (or, if authorized, investing) and safeguarding the organization’s funds and otherwise managing its finances; monitoring compliance with any applicable law relating to such finances and filing any required report; disbursing money as authorized; and reporting to the organization on the state

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subject, adj. Referred to above; having relevance to the current discussion ( the subject property was then sold to Smith). subject, n. 1. One who owes allegiance to a sovereign and is governed by that sovereign’s laws (the monarchy’s subjects). “Speaking generally, we may say that the terms subject and citizen are synonymous. Subjects and

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mora (mor-[schwa]), n. [Latin] Roman law. Willful delay or default in fulfilling a legal obligation. • A creditor or debtor in mora could be required to pay interest on any money owed. “The word mora means delay or default. In its technical sense it means a culpable delay in making or accepting performance…. The definition

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king’s peace

King’s peace. Hist. A royal subject’s right to be protected from crime (to “have peace”) in certain areas subject to the king’s immediate control, such as the king’s palace or highway. • A breach of the peace in one of these areas subjected the offender to punishment in the king’s court. Over time, the area

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legal writing institute

Legal Writing Institute. A nonprofit corporation founded in 1984 to promote the exchange of information and ideas about the teaching of legal writing. • It is composed mainly of legal-writing teachers at American law schools. Like its sister organization, the Association of Legal Writing Directors, it seeks to improve the teaching of legal writing through

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table, n. 1. A synopsized representation, esp. in columnar form, of the particulars of a subject, usu. to present diverse items in a way that can be more easily understood. • Examples include actuarial tables, genealogical tables (which show the names and relationships of all the persons constituting a family), and interest tables. 2. A

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legal name

A person’s full name as recognized in law. • A legal name is usu. acquired at birth or through a court order. There are no rules governing a legal name’s length or constitution; it may be a single name (e.g., Prince) or include words not generally used in human names (e.g., Moon Unit). [Cases: Names

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