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investment contract

investment contract. 1. A contract in which money is invested in a common enterprise with profits to come solely from the efforts of others; an agreement or transaction in which a party invests money in expectation of profits derived from the efforts of a promoter or other third party. 2. A transaction in which an […]

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landlord’s hypothec

Scots law. The lessor’s right of security for rent in articles, furniture, and equipment (other than tools of the tenant’s trade) that the tenant brought onto the leased premises. • Unlike the English remedy of distress, the right of security is effected only by the lessor’s application to the court for a decree of sequestration.

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inventory, n. 1. A detailed list of assets; esp., an executor’s or administrator’s detailed list of the probate-estate assets (make an inventory of the estate). • The term also sometimes denotes a divorcing spouse’s detailed list of all his or her marital and separate assets and liabilities. — Also termed inventory and appraisement. See PROBATE

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solicitation, n. 1. The act or an instance of requesting or seeking to obtain something; a request or petition (a solicitation for volunteers to handle at least one pro bono case per year). 2. The criminal offense of urging, advising, commanding, or otherwise inciting another to commit a crime ( convicted of solicitation of murder).

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International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy

International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy 国际法哲学与社会哲学协会 成立于1909年,旨在促进国际间法哲学和社会哲学的科学研究,其出版物是《法哲学与社会哲学评论》〔Archiv fur Rechts-und Sozialphilosophie〕。

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绝对责任条款 (Hell or High Water Clause) 条款背景:Hell or high water条款要求买方采取一切必要行动和义务(通常包括资产剥离),满足政府的监管要求,从而完成并购交易。 翻译难点:虽然这个条款只有一句话,但是却包含了近1000个单词。处理复杂长句是我们的优势之一,我们不仅会先理解条款的背景意思,而且会考虑英文长句转译成汉语的语序调整问题。此外,本句中有若干词汇值得一提,例如开头的“in furtherance of”;跟后边的without limiting of … 功能相同,本意是“to advance or facilitate something”,但很多情况下,其实就是implement的意思,具体的处理方式需要取决于译员的风格。Consent decree,布莱克给出的定义是“A court decree that all parties agree to.”,也叫做consent order。“hold separate order”,即initial enforcement order,这个命令的意义在于,如果相关资产剥离后,竞争力会受到影响,则相关部门会要求该部门资产独立运营,某些情况下,即使竞争力不会收到影响,也会有下发这种命令,用以维持该部分资产的价值不会削减。

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