Search Results for: DISPUTE


transact, vb. 1. To carry on or conduct (negotiations, business, etc.) to a conclusion (transact business). 2. Civil law. To settle (a dispute) by mutual concession. See TRANSACTION(4). 3. To carry on or conduct negotiations or business (refuses to transact with the enemy).

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mill. 1. A machine that grinds corn, grain, or other substances, esp. using a wheel and circular motion. • The substance ground in a mill is sometimes called grist, esp. when it is a grain. Courts sometimes refer to the grinding process as a metaphor for the judicial process (suits to collect on promissory notes

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labor, n. 1. Work of any type, including mental exertion (the fruits of one’s labor). • The term usu. refers to work for wages as opposed to profits. child labor. See CHILD LABOR. spousal labor. See SPOUSAL LABOR. 2. Workers considered as an economic unit or a political element (a dispute between management and labor

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justice of the peace

justice of the peace. A local judicial officer having jurisdiction over minor criminal offenses and minor civil disputes, and authority to perform routine civil functions (such as administering oaths and performing marriage ceremonies). — Abbr. J.P. Cf. MAGISTRATE(3). [Cases: Justices of the Peace 1, 31. C.J.S. Justices of the Peace §§ 1, 26, 47.]

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york–antwerp rules

York–Antwerp rules. Maritime law. A set of rules relating to the settlement of maritime losses and disputes arising from bills of lading. • Although these rules have no statutory authority, they are incorporated into almost all bills of lading. The Rules are maintained and updated by the Comité Maritime International (CMI). [Cases: Shipping 186, 187,

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economic strike

A strike resulting from an economic dispute with the employer (such as a wage dispute); a dispute for reasons other than unfair labor practices. • An employer can permanently replace an economic striker but cannot prevent the worker from coming back to an unreplaced position simply because the worker was on strike.

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