Search Results for: DISPUTE

lex loci contractus

lex loci contractus (leks loh-sI k[schwa]n-trak-t[schwa]s). [Latin] The law of the place where a contract is executed or to be performed. • Lex loci contractus is often the proper law by which to decide contractual disputes. — Often shortened to lex loci; lex contractus. [Cases: Contracts 144. C.J.S. Conflict of Laws §§ 91–93; Contracts §§ […]

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justiciable (j[schwa]-stish-ee-[schwa]-b[schwa]l or j[schwa]s-tish-[ schwa]-b[schwa]l), adj. (Of a case or dispute) properly brought before a court of justice; capable of being disposed of judicially (a justiciable controversy). [Cases: Action 6; Federal Courts 12. 1. C.J.S. Actions §§ 38–45.]

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consultation, n. 1. The act of asking the advice or opinion of someone (such as a lawyer). 2. A meeting in which parties consult or confer. 3. Int’l law. The interactive methods by which states seek to prevent or resolve disputes. — consult, vb. — consulting, consultative, adj.

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parenting plan

parenting plan. A plan that allocates custodial responsibility and decision-making authority for what serves the child’s best interests and that provides a mechanism for resolving any later disputes between parents. — Also termed parenting agreement. See CUSTODY(2); CUSTODIAL RESPONSIBILITY; DECISION-MAKING RESPONSIBILITY Y.

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Norris-La Guardia Act

Norris-La Guardia Act 〈美〉《诺里斯-拉瓜地亚法》 又称《劳动争议法》〔Labor Disputes Act〕,是1932年颁布的一项联邦制定法。它禁止联邦法院就劳工政策作出裁判,并严格限制联邦法院在劳动争议案件中发布禁制令的权力。该法旨在限制联邦法院滥用禁制令程序,表明政府对劳工政策的中立立场,减少僱主过多利用禁制令阻挠工会活动,促进以集体谈判方式解决劳资争端。

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hague convention on the civil aspects of international child abduction

Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. An international convention (concluded in 1980) that seeks to counteract cross-border child-snatching by noncustodial parents. • This convention created a legal mechanism available to parents seeking the return of, or access to, their children. Its purposes are to secure the prompt return of children who

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cover, n. The purchase on the open market, by the buyer in a breach-of-contract dispute, of goods to substitute for those promised but never delivered by the seller. • Under UCC § 2-712, the buyer can recover from the seller the difference between the cost of the substituted goods and the original contract price. [Cases:

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