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pacific reporter

Pacific Reporter. A set of regional lawbooks, part of West’s National Reporter System, containing every officially published appellate decision from Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming, from 1883 to date. • The first series ran from 1883 to 1931; the second series ran until

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repugnancy doctrine

repugnancy doctrine 遗嘱矛盾解释规则 一项遗嘱解释规则,用于在遗嘱条款之间出现相互牴触时进行解释,其具体内容有:1法律采用有利于第一继受者〔first taker〕的解释,即推定第一继受者在立遗嘱人心中处优先地位;2遗嘱中的无条件赠与〔absolute gift〕也不因其后意义不清或模稜两可的用语而减弱效力,除非减弱赠与效力的意图以清楚明确的方式表示出来;3推定第一继受者取得的是非限嗣继承地产权〔fee〕,而不受其他与之不一致用语的影响;4推定成立无条件遗赠,其后试图附加的任何限制条件无效。

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secretary of state

Secretary of State. 1. The member of the President’s cabinet who heads the U.S. Department of State. • The Secretary is the first-ranking member of the cabinet and is also a member of the National Security Council. He or she is fourth in line of succession to the presidency after the Vice President, the Speaker

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minister, n. 1. A person acting under another’s authority; an agent. 2. A prominent government officer appointed to manage an executive or administrative department. 3. A diplomatic representative, esp. one ranking below an ambassador. [Cases: Ambassadors and Consuls 1–5. C.J.S. Ambassadors and Consuls §§ 2–13, 15–30.] foreign minister. 1. A minister of foreign affairs, who

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bryan treaties

Bryan treaties. Int’l law. Any of 48 treaties designed to avert war by requiring the signatories to submit disputes of any kind to standing peace commissions. • The first of these treaties, named after Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan, was signed between the United States and Great Britain in 1914.

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normal school

normal school. A training school for public-school teachers. • Normal schools first appeared in the United States in the 1800s and were two-year post-high-school training programs for elementary-school teachers. At the turn of the century, normal schools expanded into four-year teaching colleges. Most of these institutions have developed into liberal arts colleges offering a wider

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