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subinfeudation (s[schwa]b-in-fyoo-day-sh[schwa]n), n. Hist. The system under which the tenants in a feudal system granted smaller estates to their tenants, who in turn did the same from their pieces of land. • As this system proceeded down the social scale, the lords were deprived of their feudal profits, as a result of which the system

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conquest. 1. Int’l law. An act of force by which, during a war, a belligerent occupies territory within an enemy country with the intention of extending its sovereignty over that territory. • That intention is usu. explained in a proclamation or some other legal act. 2. Hist. The acquisition of land by any method other

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Lord High Admiral

Lord High Admiral (1)〈英〉海军事务大臣 旧时英国的海军最高统帅。按Admiral这一称号原意为战舰司令,公元1295年英王首次任命了一位官员担任此职。大约在1360年以前,担任此职的官员只充当舰队司令,并无司法权限。英王爱德华一世〔Edward Ⅰ〕时,据信曾存在四位分别管辖四海〔four seas〕的舰队司令,直至1360年英王始任命了一位统辖全国舰队的司令,1412年被称为「英格兰、爱尔兰及阿基坦海军司令」〔Admiral of England, Ireland and Acquitaine〕。1540年开始出现了「海军大臣」〔Lord Admiral〕的称号。1619年白金汉〔Buckingham〕被任命为海军大臣,负责当时海军委员会〔Navy Board〕的船舰的管理和维修任务。1638年开始有了「海军事务大臣」〔Lord High Admiral〕的称号。但海军事务大臣的职权除1827-1828年外一直由海军委员会〔Board of Admiralty〕行使(海军事务大臣的头衔虽由女王伊丽莎白二世〔Elizabeth Ⅱ〕恢复并自任该职,但只是一种荣誉称号)。19世纪中,海军大臣〔First Lord of the Admiralty〕接替了海军委员会首长〔the first commissioner of the Board of Admiralty〕的职务。现「海军大臣」的官职已于1964年废止,由国防大臣〔Secretary of State for Defence〕取代。 (2)〈苏格兰〉海军事务大臣 旧时苏格兰的海军统帅及管理港口与海岸的高级官员,同时亦对海事案件拥有司法管辖权。现苏格兰已无此项官职。

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de odio et atia

de odio et atia (dee oh-dee-oh et ay-shee-[schwa]), n. [Law Latin “of hatred and malice”] Hist. A writ ordering a sheriff to summon a 12-member jury to inquire whether a prisoner jailed for murder was charged for a good reason or only because of ill-will and to determine whether bail should be set. • If

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commercial speech

Communication (such as advertising and marketing) that involves only the commercial interests of the speaker and the audience, and is therefore afforded lesser First Amendment protection than social, political, or religious speech. Cf. pure speech. [Cases: Constitutional Law 90.2, 90.3. C.J.S. Constitutional Law §§ 544–545, 561, 568, 570–571, 573–574, 576–577, 581.]

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department of the interior

Department of the Interior. The cabinet-level department of the federal government responsible for managing the nation’s public lands and minerals, national parks, national wildlife refuges, and western water resources, and for upholding federal trust responsibilities to Indian tribes. • The Department also has responsibility for migratory-wildlife conservation; historical preservation; endangered species; surface-mined-lands preservation and restoration;

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statute of anne

Statute of Anne. Hist. 1. The Copyright Act of 1709, which first granted copyright protection to book authors. 8 Anne, ch. 19 (1709). 2. The statute that modernized the English bankruptcy system and first introduced the discharge of the debtor’s existing debts. 4 Anne, ch. 17 (1705).

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refusal n. (1)拒绝 对法律上有权获取的某项利益不予接受,也指不接受某项要求或不履行法律规定的某项义务。指后者时常与「疏忽」〔neglect〕一词连用。但「疏忽」仅指未履行责任,可能出于不注意、懈怠、误解或无力履行,而「拒绝」则为对请求或命令的正面否定,至少在心中决定不予遵守。(→rejection; renunciation; repudiation; rescind) (2)优先权;优先取舍(→right of first refusal)

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