
refusal n. (1)拒绝 对法律上有权获取的某项利益不予接受,也指不接受某项要求或不履行法律规定的某项义务。指后者时常与「疏忽」〔neglect〕一词连用。但「疏忽」仅指未履行责任,可能出于不注意、懈怠、误解或无力履行,而「拒绝」则为对请求或命令的正面否定,至少在心中决定不予遵守。(→rejection; renunciation; repudiation; rescind) (2)优先权;优先取舍(→right of first refusal)

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refusal. 1. The denial or rejection of something offered or demanded (the lawyer’s refusal to answer questions was based on the attorney–client privilege). 2. An opportunity to accept or reject something before it is offered to others; the right or privilege of having this opportunity (she promised her friend the first refusal on her house).

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