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fanciful trademark

A trademark consisting of a made-up or coined word; a distinctive trademark or tradename having no independent meaning. • This type of mark is considered inherently distinctive and thus protected at common law, and is eligible for trademark registration from the time of its first use. — Also termed fanciful mark; fanciful term; coined trademark; […]

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elegit ([schwa]-lee-jit). [Latin “he has chosen”] Hist. A writ of execution (first given by 13 Edw., ch. 18) either upon a judgment for a debt or damages or upon the forfeiture of a recognizance taken in the king’s court. • Under it, the defendant’s goods and chattels were appraised and, except for plow beasts, delivered

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constitutum possessorium

constitutum possessorium (kon-sti-t[y]oo-t[schwa]m pah-ses-sor-ee-[schwa]m). [Latin “possessory agreement”] Roman law. 1. A type of constructive delivery in which mediate possession is transferred while the immediate control or custody remains in the transferor. 2. The agreement by which this transfer is brought about. • In the context of a security interest, the pledged property may remain in

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press, n. 1. The news media; print and broadcast news organizations collectively. [Cases: Constitutional Law 90(2). C.J.S. Constitutional Law § 539.] “The Constitution specifically selected the press, which includes not only newspapers, books, and magazines, but also humble leaflets and circulars, to play an important role in the discussion of public affairs.” Mills v. Alabama,

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mental illness

mental illness. 1. A disorder in thought or mood so substantial that it impairs judgment, behavior, perceptions of reality, or the ability to cope with the ordinary demands of life. [Cases: Mental Health 3. C.J.S. Insane Persons§§ 2, 6.] 2. Mental disease that is severe enough to necessitate care and treatment for the afflicted person’s

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legare (l[schwa]-gair-ee), vb. [Latin] Roman law. To bequeath one or more specified items to some person other than an heir, or to make such a bequest to an heir in advance of the estate’s division between the heirs.

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going public

going public. The process of a company’s selling stock to the investing public for the first time (after filing a registration statement under applicable securities laws), thereby becoming a public corporation. [Cases: Securities Regulation 11.10–11.14. C.J.S. Securities Regulation §§ 8, 35–39, 45, 63.]

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witenagemot (wit-[schwa]-n[schwa]-g[schwa]-moht). [Anglo-Saxon “a meeting of the wise”] Hist. A national assembly of noblemen, high ecclesiastics, and other great thanes of England who advised and aided the king in the general administration of the government. • Its composition depended on the will of the king. It passed out of existence with the Norman Conquest (1066).

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