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formality. 1. A small point of practice that, though seemingly unimportant, must usu. be observed to achieve a particular legal result. 2. Hist. (pl.) Robes worn by magistrates on solemn occasions. 3. Copyright. (usu. pl.) A procedural requirement formerly required before receiving U.S. copyright protection. • Formalities included (1) a copyright notice appearing on the […]

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senatus consultum macedonianum

senatus consultum Macedonianum (si-nay-t[schwa]s k[schwa]n-s[schwa]l-t[ schwa]m mas-[schwa]-doh-nee-ay-n[schwa]m). [Latin “Macedo’s Resolution”] Roman law. A senate decree under Vespasian to protect fathers from children in their power who had borrowed excessive sums in expectation of their father’s death, by making actions to recover such loans unlawful. — Also termed Macedonian Decree. “The senatus consultum Macedonianum reads as

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commercial speech

Communication (such as advertising and marketing) that involves only the commercial interests of the speaker and the audience, and is therefore afforded lesser First Amendment protection than social, political, or religious speech. Cf. pure speech. [Cases: Constitutional Law 90.2, 90.3. C.J.S. Constitutional Law §§ 544–545, 561, 568, 570–571, 573–574, 576–577, 581.]

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statute of anne

Statute of Anne. Hist. 1. The Copyright Act of 1709, which first granted copyright protection to book authors. 8 Anne, ch. 19 (1709). 2. The statute that modernized the English bankruptcy system and first introduced the discharge of the debtor’s existing debts. 4 Anne, ch. 17 (1705).

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united states copyright office

United States Copyright Office. A branch of the Library of Congress that is responsible for implementing federal copyright laws. • In addition to processing applications for copyrights, the U.S. Copyright Office stores deposited copyrighted materials and issues opinions (by request) on questions of copyright protection. Materials deposited with this agency are not automatically added to

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no search rule

no search rule 〈美〉免受搜查规则 指1978年卡特政府提出而由国会通过的一项法律规则,即除有对生命或身体构成「即刻的危险」〔imminent danger〕或为收集犯罪的证据外,不得搜查或扣押记者、作家或其他人所准备出版的作品或其所收集的书面资料。该规则还规定不论政府哪一级别的调查犯罪的人员如需查看记者、自由作家、学者或出版商等为准备出版而收集的资料时,都必须使用命证人提交书面文件的传票〔subpoena duces tecum〕而不是使用搜查令。前者与后者的重大差别在于,该种传票需列明所需的文件是什么,并要求这些文件在法庭上呈示,还给予时间允许当事人在法庭上对该种要求予以争辩。而搜查令则授权执法官员无须给予任何警告,可任意搜查。

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police officer

police officer. A peace officer responsible for preserving public order, promoting public safety, and preventing and detecting crime. Cf. PEACE OFFICER . [Cases: Municipal Corporations 179. C.J.S. Municipal Corporations §§ 450–453, 474–476, 505, 508.]

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