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effective possession

effective possession 有效占有 也叫事实占有〔virtual possession〕,指实际无权者凭藉借口有权而在事实上占有某块土地的一部分,在占有达法定期限后,依时效占有〔adverse possession〕的规定,占有人便可对整块土地主张权利。或称推定占有〔constructive possession〕,但它不同于一般的推定占有〔conventional constructive possession〕,后者的权利人并未进行实际占有,故也无时效占有。

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Annotated Editions of the United States Code

Annotated Editions of the United States Code 美国法典注释版 《美国法典》〔U.S.C.〕是由官方出版机构出版和发行的,其出版通常较慢,尤其在发行补编的情况下,往往要到国会会期结束若干个月以后才能得到;而且,立法机关通过的法律其含义并不总是很清楚,法律所使用的文字也必须经常得到法院的解释。因此,经常获得对制定法作出解释的法院判决变得同获得制定法文本同样重要,由此导致了法典注释的出版。官方版《美国法典》的注释,是由私人出版机构来完成的。最着名的法典注释有两套:一套是《美国法典注释》〔United States Code Annotated/U.S.C.A.〕,由韦氏出版公司〔West Publishing Company〕出版。除了相关的判例注释外,法典每节〔code section〕下边的注释还与韦氏公司的其他出版物相互参考,并经常注明附加判例的主题〔topic〕及其钥匙号〔key numbers〕。此外,每年都出版平装本的多卷本索引,且每一标题都有自己的索引。另一套是《美国法典服务》〔United States Code Service/U.S.C.S.〕,由律师合作出版公司和班克罗夫特-惠特尼公司出版,为其总客户服务图书馆〔Total Client-Service Library〕的一个单元〔unit〕。它包括一个多卷本的索引和一个两卷本的《美国法典指南》〔United States Code Guide〕,《指南》按照《美国法典》的引文〔citation〕排列,并标明法典每节下边的哪些事项在总客户服务图书馆的其他单元中讨论。此外,还有未编号的四卷本收录了联邦行政机关的程序规则,第四卷则收录了《世界版权公约》〔Universal Copyright Convention〕、《执行外国仲裁裁决公约》〔Convention on Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards〕和《华沙公约》〔Warsaw Convention〕的文本。两套法典注释都包含了《美国法典》的原文,以及曾引用法典或对法典进行解释的判决摘要。它们都通过发行年度插袋式补编、每月出版一次小册子,或在必要时发行替代卷本,使注释得到及时更新。U.S.C.A.的注释内容比U.S.C.S.要多,U.S.C.S.经常交叉参考《美国判例汇编(联邦)》〔A.L.R.Fed.〕或《美国最高法院判例集律师版》〔Lawyers’ Edition of the United States Reports〕中的注释,而替代自己提供注释。较之U.S.C.,两套注释使用方便,更为通用和便于检索。由于U.S.C.中只有部分标题经国会重新制定为法律,而U.S.C.A.即使用U.S.C.中的法律文本,U.S.C.S.则使用《制定法大全》〔Statutes at Large〕中的文本,因此,在使用U.S.C.A.时,对那些仍未经国会重新制定为法律的标题,在必要时应与《制定法大全》中的文本相对照。

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national treatment

Intellectual property. The policy or practice of a country that accords the citizens of other countries the same intellectual-property protection as it gives its own citizens, with no formal treaty of reciprocity required. • The principle of national treatment underlay the first international intellectual-property treaties in the 19th century, the Paris and Berne Conventions, and

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twentieth amendment

Twentieth Amendment. The constitutional amendment, ratified in 1933, that changed the date of the presidential and vice-presidential inaugurations from March 4 to January 20, and the date for congressional convention from March 4 to January 3, thereby eliminating the short session of Congress, during which a number of members sat who had not been reelected

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international centre for the settlement of investment disputes

International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes. An organization created by the United Nations Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and the Nationals of Other States to help mediate and arbitrate disputes between member states and individuals who are citizens of other member states in an effort to promote continued private

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carriage of passengers by road

carriage of passengers by road 公路旅客运输 在英国的旅客运输业务中,公共承运人只要有运载空间且旅客不拒绝该空间并愿意支付运载费用,就必须为其提供运输服务;特约承运人则只根据特别约定提供运输服务。不论是公共承运人还是特约承运人,均对因其未尽到合理注意义务而造成的旅客伤害承担责任。1974年《公路旅客运输法》〔Carriage of Passengers by Road Act〕将《国际公路旅客和行李运输公约》〔Convention on the International Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Road〕纳入英国法律体系,使其在英国范围内具有法律效力。该《公约》规定了承运人对运输过程中旅客因意外事故遭受的人身伤害应负的责任范围和限额,以及对行李的全部或部分灭失或损害应负的责任。

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sea. 1. The ocean (on the sea). 2. A large landlocked part of the ocean; a large body of salt water smaller than a regular ocean (the Mediterranean Sea). 3. The ocean swell (a rough sea). 4. An extremely large or extended quantity (a sea of documents). free seas. See high seas. high seas. The

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