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code. 1. A complete system of positive law, carefully arranged and officially promulgated; a systematic collection or revision of laws, rules, or regulations (the Uniform Commercial Code). • Strictly, a code is a compilation not just of existing statutes, but also of much of the unwritten law on a subject, which is newly enacted as […]

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Articles of War

Articles of War 《军法条例》 欧洲最早的军法条例由波西米亚王即后来的皇帝斐迪南一世〔Ferdinand Ⅰ〕于1527年制订。这些条例的目的是加强士兵的纪律。它们是规范战时行为的重要法典。条例禁止士兵未经允许掠夺和洗劫城市,并且规定火炮、弹药和军备仓库为皇帝所有。在英格兰,管理为战争而召集的军队的法令由英王根据皇家军事总长〔Constable〕的建议而发布,或由为此目的而受命于英王的总司令颁布。这些法令为特定的军队发布并仅在其服役期间内有效,又在和平到来时失效。直到1689年才出现规定和平时期有关军队的条例,即《军纪法》〔Mutiny Act〕。最早的一部完整法典是1385年的《理查二世法规、法令和习惯》〔Statutes, Ordinances, and Customs of Richard Ⅱ〕。在英国内战时期,国王和议会领袖都依军法条例管理各自的军队。早期的条例十分严酷,几乎每种犯罪都要受砍掉肢体或死刑的处罚。这些条例后来逐渐得到修订。1672年的《军法条例》构成了1878年《军法条例》的基础。后者又同每年颁布的《军纪法》合并成为1879年的《军纪军规法》〔Army Discipline and Regulation Act〕。最后为现在的《陆军法》〔Army Act〕所取代。

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unfair trade

unfair trade. An inequitable business practice; esp., the act or an instance of a competitor’s repeating of words in a way that conveys a misrepresentation that materially injures the person who first used the words, by appropriating credit of some kind earned by the first user. [Cases: Trade Regulation 862. 1.]

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ambit (am-bit). 1. A boundary line or limit; esp., the scope of a statute or regulation, or the sphere of influence and authority of an agency, committee, department, or the like. 2. A space surrounding a house or town.

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port state control

port-state control. Maritime law. The exercise of authority under international conventions for a state to stop, board, inspect, and when necessary detain vessels sailing under foreign flags while they are navigating in the port state’s territorial waters or are in one of its ports. • The purpose is to ensure the safety of the vessels

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squatter. 1. A person who settles on property without any legal claim or title. 2. A person who settles on public land under a government regulation allowing the person to acquire title upon fulfilling specified conditions. [Cases: Public Lands 35. C.J.S. Public Lands § 43.]

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autonomic law

autonomic law (aw-t[schwa]-nom-ik). The type of enacted law that has its source in various forms of sub-ordinate and restricted legislative authority possessed by private persons and bodies of persons. • Examples are corporate bylaws, university regulations, and the rules of the International Monetary Fund.

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going private

going private. The process of changing a public corporation into a close corporation by terminating the corporation’s status with the SEC as a publicly held corporation and by having its outstanding publicly held shares acquired by a single shareholder or a small group. [Cases: Securities Regulation 60.23.]

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debt security

A security representing funds borrowed by the corporation from the holder of the debt obligation; esp., a bond, note, or debenture. • Generally, a debt security is any security that is not an equity security. See BOND(3). [Cases: Securities Regulation 5.12, 5.13, 250. C.J.S. Securities Regulation §§ 22–23, 388, 394.]

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