Search Results for: RULE, THE


overrule v. (1)推翻先例 指在同一法律问题上,同一法院或上级法院作出的后一判决与前一判决相反时,就表示前一判决不再具有作为判例的效力,但该词不适用于同级法院或各独立法庭就相同问题作出相互冲突的判决的情况。在美国,同一法院系统内的上级法院有权推翻下级法院先前作出的判决,各法院也可以推翻自己先前的判决;而在英国,只有上级法院才可推翻下级法院先前的判决,除上议院自1966年以后有权推翻自己先前的判决外,其他法院不能推翻自己先前的判决。 (2)否决;推翻指法院在作出判决时,多数法官的意见否决少数法官的意见。 (3)驳回;拒绝 指在审判过程中,法官驳回律师提出的反对意见。 (4)替代;废除;取消;使无效

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all claims rule

all-claims rule. Patents. The now-abandoned doctrine that a patent is invalid unless every inventor named in the patent made an inventive contribution to every claim in the patent. • Section 116 of the Patent Act now expressly provides that inventors may apply for a patent jointly even though each did not make a contribution to

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Lodestar Rule

Lodestar Rule 计费规则 一种律师收费规则,据以确定经合法授权的律师的费用额。其计算方法是以合理花费的小时数乘上社会上同类工作通行的计时报酬比率〔hourly rate〕,然后再根据其它因素,如案件的不确定性、提供代理服务的质量等加以适当调整。

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net capital rules

net-capital rules. Securities. Basic financial-responsibility standards adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. • Under these rules, securities brokers are required to maintain a minimum level of capitalization and to maintain aggregate indebtedness at a level less than a specified multiple of the broker’s net capital. 15 USCA

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economic loss rule

economic-loss rule. Torts. The principle that a plaintiff cannot sue in tort to recover for purely monetary loss — as opposed to physical injury or property damage — caused by the defendant. • Many states recognize an exception to this rule when the defendant commits fraud or negligent misrepresentation, or when a special relationship exists

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legal doctrines, principles, and rules

legal doctrines, principles, and rules 法律原理、原则和规则 这三个术语并无确切的含义,用法也不固定,但都被用来指各种法律规范,只不过在含义的广泛性表达方面有些差异。「原理」〔doctrine〕含义最广,它一般用来指一个由相关规范构成的实质性体系,它们有着共同的主题,是某些特定情形或特定领域内原则、规则和准则的有机结合,由此组成一个在逻辑上相互联系的体系,基于这种体系和逻辑内涵便可展开推理。这方面的一个典型例子是英美合同法中的约因理论和公共政策原理。「原则」是指一种概括性的规范,用来论证、统一、解释各种更为具体的规则及其适用,并作为进一步推理的权威出发点。例如僱主必须对其僱员的安全尽合理注意的原则,违约方应对定约时应在其考虑范围之内的后果负责等。「规则」一般指更为具体的规范,它可以将法律后果直接加诸某些事实,如遗嘱必须有两个证人见证才能有效的规则等。

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step in the dark rule

step-in-the-dark rule. Torts. The contributory-negligence rule that a person who enters a totally unfamiliar area in the darkness has a duty, in the absence of unusual stress, to refrain from proceeding until first ascertaining the existence of any dangerous obstacles. See contributory negligence under NEGLIGENCE. [Cases: Negligence 1286(8). C.J.S. Negligence § 640.]

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