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liquidation, n. 1. The act of determining by agreement or by litigation the exact amount of something (as a debt or damages) that before was uncertain. 2. The act of settling a debt by payment or other satisfaction. 3. The act or process of converting assets into cash, esp. to settle debts. one-month liquidation. A […]

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final, adj. 1. (Of a judgment at law) not requiring any further judicial action by the court that rendered judgment to determine the matter litigated; concluded. 2. (Of an equitable decree) not requiring any further judicial action beyond supervising how the decree is carried out. • Once an order, judgment, or decree is final, it

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compact (kom-pakt), n. An agreement or covenant between two or more parties, esp. between governments or states. family compact. An agreement to further common interests made between related people or within a group that behaves as a family. • Historically, some international treaties among nations ruled by monarchs have been called family compacts because of

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violence n. (1)滥用暴力;暴力行为 不正当或未经授权而非法使用暴力,违背公众自由、法律或公共权利,造成人身伤害或财产损害的行为。通常是和激情〔vehemence〕、盛怒〔outrage〕或狂暴〔fury〕相关的行为。 (2)冒犯;伤害 (3)施暴;强奸;亵渎

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incentive theory

incentive theory. Intellectual property. The proposition that society grants creators exclusive rights to their intellectual property in order to stimulate further creativity. • The Patent and Copyright Clause of the U.S. Constitution declares that the purpose of exclusive-right protection is to “promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts.” U.S. Const. art. I, § 8,

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suggestion, n. 1. An indirect presentation of an idea (the client agreed with counsel’s suggestion to reword the warranty). 2. Procedure. A statement of some fact or circumstance that will materially affect the further proceedings in the case (suggestion for rehearing en banc). 3. Archaic. Wills & estates. UNDUE INFLUENCE. — suggest (for senses 1

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