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spillover theory

spillover theory. The principle that a severance must be granted only when a defendant can show that trial with a codefendant would substantially prejudice the defendant’s case, as when the jury might wrongly use evidence against the defendant. See BRUTON ERROR. [Cases: Criminal Law 622.2(8). C.J.S. Criminal Law §§ 570–571.] “The spillover theory involves the

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illiquid asset

An asset that is not readily convertible into cash, usu. because of (1) the lack of demand, (2) the absence of an established market, or (3) the substantial cost or time required for liquidation (such as for real property, even when it is desirable).

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willful tort

willful tort 故意侵权 指故意、有目的的侵害,包括蓄意〔intent or purpose〕和恶意〔malice or ill will〕。但恶意可以表现为知道他人的危险而对他人安全漠不关心或知道后不行使通常的注意以避免伤害。 (→intentional tort)

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bill of Middlesex

Hist. A process by which the Court of the King’s Bench in Middlesex obtains jurisdiction over a defendant who resides in a county outside the Court’s jurisdiction, by alleging a fictitious trespass in a county over which the court has jurisdiction. • Once the sheriff returns the bill noting that the defendant is not in

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