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supplemental bill

supplemental bill 补充起诉状 衡平法诉讼中,原告为弥补初始起诉状〔original bill〕中存在的而不能通过修正〔amendment〕来弥补的某些缺陷,或为提出某些在初始起诉状提交后发生的争议事项而提交的起诉状。它与具有补充起诉状性质的起诉状〔bill in the nature of a supplemental bill〕不同,主要区别在于前者是由同一当事人就同一利害关系〔same interest〕向法院提交的,而后者则是在诉讼提起后,新的当事人就该讼争事项有新的利害关系时才可提出。

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shill. 1. A person who poses as an innocent bystander at a confidence game but actually serves as a decoy for the perpetrators of the scheme. 2. BY-BIDDER R. — shill, vb.

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