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similarity. Intellectual property. The resemblance of one trademark or copyrighted work to another. • How closely a trademark must resemble another to amount to infringement depends on the nature of the product and how much care the typical buyer would be expected to take in making the selection in that particular market. It is a […]

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combination. 1. An alliance of individuals or corporations working together to accomplish a common (usu. economic) goal. See COMBINATION IN RESTRAINT OF TRADE . 2. CONSPIRACY. 3. STRADDLE. 4. Patents. A union of old and new elements in an invention. • The term encompasses not only a combination of mechanical elements but also a combination

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lemon law

lemon law. 1. A statute designed to protect a consumer who buys a substandard automobile, usu. by requiring the manufacturer or dealer either to replace the vehicle or to refund the full purchase price. • Almost all states have lemon laws in effect. — Also termed lemon protection. [Cases: Consumer Protection 9. C.J.S. Credit Reporting

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two tier offer

two-tier offer. A two-step technique by which a bidder tries to acquire a target corporation, the first step involving a cash tender offer and the second usu. a merger in which the target company’s remaining shareholders receive securities from the bidder (these securities ordinarily being less favorable than the cash given in the first step).

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