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resolution. 1. Parliamentary law. A main motion that formally expresses the sense, will, or action of a deliberative assembly (esp. a legislative body). • A resolution is a highly formal kind of main motion, often containing a preamble, and one or more resolving clauses in the form, “Resolved, That….” concurrent resolution. A resolution passed by […]

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decreta (di-kree-t[schwa]), n. [Latin “decisions”] Roman law. Judgments of magistrates; esp., sentences pronounced by the emperor as the supreme judge. See DECRETUM. “Decreta. In Roman law decisions of magistrates given after investigation of a case by cognitio… and in particular, decisions of the emperor as judge of first instance after trial by cognitio, or as

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leading case

leading case. 1. A judicial decision that first definitively settled an important legal rule or principle and that has since been often and consistently followed. • An example is Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436, 86 S.Ct. 1602 (1966) (creating the exclusionary rule for evidence improperly obtained from a suspect being interrogated while in police

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alias (ay-lee-[schwa]s), adj. Issued after the first instrument has not been effective or resulted in action. alias, adv. 1. Otherwise called or named; also known as (William Grimsby, alias the Grim Reaper). 2. At another time. alias, n. 1. An assumed or additional name that a person has used or is known by. — Also

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Trademarks. The quality of having a shape, configuration, design, or color that is so superior to available alternatives that giving the first user exclusive trademark rights would hinder competition. [Cases: Trade Regulation 43. C.J.S. Trade-Marks, Trade-Names, and Unfair Competition §§ 49–50.]

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