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lay witness

A witness who does not testify as an expert and who is therefore restricted to giving an opinion or making an inference that (1) is based on firsthand knowledge, and (2) is helpful in clarifying the testimony or in determining facts. Fed. R. Evid. 701. [Cases: Evidence 470–503. C.J.S. Evidence §§ 509–523, 527–596, 610–612, 619,

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duke. 1. A sovereign prince; a ruler of a duchy. 2. The first order of nobility in Great Britain below the royal family. “But after the Norman conquest, which changed the military policy of the nation, the kings themselves continuing for many generations dukes of Normandy, they would not honour any subjects with that title,

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family meeting

family meeting. Hist. Civil law. 1. An advisory council called to aid the court in a family-law matter, such as arrangement of a guardianship for a minor or an incompetent adult. • If a person had no relatives, the court could summon friends of the person instead. 2. A council of relatives of a minor

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ad finem

ad finem (ad fI-n[schwa]m), adv. [Latin] To the end. • This citation signal, abbreviated in text ad fin., formerly provided only the first page of the section referred to, but now usu. directs the reader to a stated span of pages.

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repair v. & n.修理;修复;修补;整修 对原件的改良或进行与原件做工特性完全不同的做工,都不属于「repair」的应有之义。(→covenant to repair; extraordinary repairs; warranty of habitability; good condition and repair; good repair; habitable repair; necessary repairs)

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two tier offer

two-tier offer. A two-step technique by which a bidder tries to acquire a target corporation, the first step involving a cash tender offer and the second usu. a merger in which the target company’s remaining shareholders receive securities from the bidder (these securities ordinarily being less favorable than the cash given in the first step).

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