lay witness

lay witness

A witness who does not testify as an expert and who is therefore restricted to giving an opinion or making an inference that (1) is based on firsthand knowledge, and (2) is helpful in clarifying the testimony or in determining facts. Fed. R. Evid. 701. [Cases: Evidence 470–503. C.J.S. Evidence §§ 509–523, 527–596, 610–612, 619, […]

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lay witness

lay witness 非专家证人 与专家证人〔expert witness〕相对,指对其所要证明的事项缺乏专业知识的证人。一般这类证人以意见或推论形式作出的证言限于以下两种情况:1合理地建立在证人感知的基础之上的;2有助于清楚地理解他的证言或有助于对争议的事实作出裁决。

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