Search Results for: REGULATION Q

wage and hour division

Wage and Hour Division. The division of the Employment Standards Administration in the U.S. Department of Labor responsible for enforcing the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act, the Employee Polygraph Protection Act, and other workplace-related statutes and regulations. — Abbr. WHD. See EM-PLOYMENT STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION.

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control person

control person. Securities. A person who has actual control or significant influence over the issuer of securities, as by directing corporate policy. • The control person is subject to many of the same requirements applicable to the sale of securities by the issuer. — Also termed controlling person. [Cases: Securities Regulation 35.15, 60.40. C.J.S. Securities

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sumptuary law

sumptuary law (s[schwa]mp-choo-er-ee). 1. A statute, ordinance, or regulation that limits the expenditures that people can make for personal gratification or ostentatious display. 2. More broadly, any law whose purpose is to regulate conduct thought to be immoral, such as prostitution, gambling, or drug abuse.

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building restrictions

building restrictions. Regulations governing the type of structures that can be constructed on certain property. • The restrictions are usu. listed in zoning ordinances or restrictive covenants in deeds. Cf. BUILDING CODE; restrictive covenant under COVENANT(4). [Cases: Zoning and Planning 62, 251. C.J.S. Zoning and Land Planning §§ 51, 53, 115.]

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investment company act

Investment Company Act. A 1940 federal statute enacted to curb financial malpractices and abuses by regulating investment-company activities and transactions — specifically, by requiring registration of investment companies and prohibiting transactions by unregistered companies; by making certain persons ineligible as affiliated persons or underwriters; by regulating affiliations of directors, officers, and employees; by barring changes

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innocent passage

innocent passage. Int’l law. The right of a foreign ship to pass through a country’s territorial waters; the right of a foreign vessel to travel through a country’s maritime belt without paying a toll. • The right of innocent passage is guaranteed in Article 17 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the

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legal order

legal order. 1. Traditionally, a set of regulations governing a society and those responsible for enforcing them. 2. Modernly, such regulations and officials plus the processes involved in creating, interpreting, and applying the regulations.

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