Search Results for: REGULATION Q

over the counter

over-the-counter, adj. 1. Not listed or traded on an organized securities exchange; traded between brokers and dealers who negotiate directly (over-the-counter stocks). [Cases: Securities Regulation 35.13. C.J.S. Securities Regulation § 104.] 2. (Of drugs) sold legally without a doctor’s prescription (over-the-counter cough medicine). — Abbr. OTC. [Cases: Health 303, 305.]

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williams act

Williams Act. A federal statute, enacted in 1968, that amended the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 by requiring investors who own more than 5% of a company’s stock to furnish certain information to the SEC and to comply with certain requirements when making a tender offer. [Cases: Securities Regulation 52.10–52.50. C.J.S. Securities Regulation §§ 121–141.]

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authority n. (1)权力;职权;管辖权 因其所处地位或所拥有的职位而享有的,尤指可对他人行使的权力,如总统的权力〔authority of the president〕。 (2)权限;授权 由法律、公司或团体章程、法庭裁判等正式授予的可实施某行为的权力,如警察依逮捕证执行逮捕时的权限。 (3)代理权;授权;许可 指某人授予另一人从事某种行为的权限或权力。被授权者称为代理人〔agent〕,授权者称为本人或被代理人〔principal〕。 (4)法律根据;先例;判决;权威着作 指在法庭辩论中,或者法庭或文章作者为支持其对某一法律问题的意见或观点而引用的作为其法律主张根据的宪法、制定法、先例、司法判决、法律规则〔rules〕、行政法规〔regulations〕、着作、论文等。通常,制定法、法院判决、行政法规等为主要权威,法律重述〔Restatements〕、专着〔treatises〕等为次要权威。 (5)机构;当局 被赋予一定的权力和义务、履行一定职能的单位或团体。如地方机构〔local authority〕。

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haircut. 1. Securities. The discount required by the National Association of Securities Dealers on the value of stock that a brokerage firm holds in its own account at the time of filing a monthly report about the firm’s net capital condition. [Cases: Securities Regulation 40.13. C.J.S. Securities Regulation § 159.] 2. The difference between the

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concurrent registration

concurrent registration. Trademarks. The approved recording of identical or similar marks by multiple owners if each mark was commercially used before the owners applied for registration and the risk of consumer confusion is slight. • The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office may impose restrictions on each mark’s use to prevent consumer confusion. [Cases: Trade Regulation

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cyberpiracy. Trademarks. The act of registering a well-known name or mark (or one that is confusingly similar) as a website’s domain name, usu. for the purpose of deriving revenue. • One form of cyberpiracy is cybersquatting. Another is using a similar name or mark to mislead consumers. For example, a site called that sold

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anticybersquatting consumer protection act

Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act. Trademarks. A 1999 federal law authorizing a trademark owner to obtain a federal-court order transferring ownership of a domain name from a cybersquatter to the trademark owner. • A mark’s owner must show that (1) the mark and the domain name are identical or confusingly similar; (2) the mark was distinctive

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memorandum of association

memorandum of association 〈英〉公司注册证书 英国公司法规定的设立公司的主要法律文件,与美国公司法中的「articles of incorporation」相当。根据英国1985年《公司法》〔Companies Act〕,两人或两人以上通过在公司注册证书上签名并遵循公司登记的其他法定条件,可以成立一家有限责任公司或无限责任公司。其中,公司注册证书应当载明:1公司名称;2注册所在地;3公司目的。其他记载事项有:如公司股东系按股承担有限责任或担保责任的,亦须作相应记载;公开公司〔public company〕亦应在公司注册证书上记载其为公开公司。另据1992年《公司(一人非公开有限公司)法规》〔Companies (Single Member Private Limited Companies) Regulations〕,一个股东亦可设立非公开的有限责任公司。

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