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a aver et tener

a aver et tener 〈法〉拥有并持有 其相应的法律拉丁语形式为「habendum et tenendum」,英文形式为「to hold and to have」。「A aver et tener a luy et a ses heires, a touts jours」意为「由他及他的继承人永远保有」〔to have and to hold to him and his heirs forever〕。 (→habendum clause)

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rental right

rental right. Copyright. The power of a copyright owner to control the use of copies of the work beyond the first sale, when that use involves offering the copy to the public for temporary use for a fee (as at a store renting DVDs and videotapes) or some other commercial advantage (as at a hotel

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confederation. 1. A league or union of states or nations, each of which retains its sovereignty but also delegates some rights and powers to a central authority. • The United States, for example, was first organized under the Articles of Confederation. Cf. FEDERATION. “A confederation is a union, more or less complete, of two or

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darrein continuance

darrein continuance (dar-ayn k[schwa]n-tin-yoo-[schwa]nts), n. [fr. French dernier continuance “the last continuance”] Hist. Every plea of a new matter after the last entry of a plea on the record. • Every entry of a pleading after the first pleading on the record was called a continuance. — Also spelled dareyne continuance.

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triple trigger

triple trigger. Insurance. A theory of coverage providing that all insurers on a risk from the day a claimant is first exposed to an injury-producing product (such as asbestos) — beyond the last exposure — to the date of diagnosis or death, whichever occurs first, must cover the loss. — Also termed continuous trigger. Cf.

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pandect (pan-dekt). 1. A complete legal code, esp. of a nation or a system of law, together with commentary. 2. (cap. & pl.) The 50 books constituting Justinian’s Digest (one of the four works making up the Corpus Juris Civilis), first published in A.D. 533. • The substance of 2,000 treatises was distilled into this

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grievance procedure

grievance procedure. Labor law. A process, consisting of several steps, for the resolution of an employee’s complaint. • The first step usu. occurs at the shop level and is handled by a supervisor. If the grievance is not resolved at the first step, the grievance is appealed in successive steps that vary among collective-bargaining agreements.

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forum non conveniens

forum non conveniens (for-[schwa]m non k[schwa]n-vee-nee-enz). [Latin “an unsuitable court”] Civil procedure. The doctrine that an appropriate forum — even though competent under the law — may divest itself of jurisdiction if, for the convenience of the litigants and the witnesses, it appears that the action should proceed in another forum in which the action

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