Search Results for: LICITATION


gain, n. 1. An increase in amount, degree, or value. pecuniary gain. 1. A gain of money or of something having monetary value. 2. Criminal law. Any monetary or economic gain that serves as an impetus for the commission of an offense. • In most states, an offense and its punishment are aggravated if the

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cant (kant).Civil law. A method of dividing commonly held property by awarding it to the highest-bidding owner on condition that the successful bidder must buy out each coowner’s interest. — Also termed licitation.

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tender offer

tender offer. A public offer to buy a minimum number of shares directly from a corporation’s shareholders at a fixed price, usu. at a substantial premium over the market price, in an effort to take control of the corporation. — Also termed takeover offer; takeover bid. Cf. public-exchange offer under OFFER. [Cases: Securities Regulation 52.30–52.50.

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green river ordinance

Green River ordinance. A local licensing law that protects residents from unwanted peddlers and salespersons, typically by prohibiting door-to-door solicitations without prior consent. • The ordinance takes its name from Green River, Wyoming, which enacted the first such law in the early 20th century before others came into vogue during the 1930s and 1940s throughout

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