Search Results for: LICITATION


licitation (罗马法) (1)(拍卖中卖方)同意将货物卖给最高出价人 (2)(不可分之物的财产共有人或共同继承人,为分割财产而)互相投标的行为 财产最终为最高报价者所有,但他必须以其他共有人各自的报价为准,对他们应得的部分予以补偿。

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solicitation n. (1)请求;诱使;怂恿;恳求 (2)犯罪教唆 要求、鼓励、引诱、唆使、煽动他人从事非法行为的不完全的罪行。教唆罪的构成只要求行为人实施了教唆他人实施犯罪的行为,不要求被教唆者必须实施了所教唆的罪行。美国《模范刑法典》〔Model Penal Code〕规定教唆罪和大多数所教唆的严重罪行是相同等级的。该词用于如教唆卖淫、教唆盗窃、教唆行贿等词组之中。

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preliminary offense

preliminary offense 〈美〉预备性犯罪 即不完整罪〔inchoate crime〕,指犯罪要件不充分、犯罪行为未达到法律要求的完整程度的初步形态的犯罪。根据《模范刑法典》〔Model Penal Code〕,犯罪未遂〔attempt〕、犯罪教唆〔solicitation〕与犯罪共谋〔consipiracy〕均属此类犯罪。 (→inchoate crimes)

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bribery, n. The corrupt payment, receipt, or solicitation of a private favor for official action. • Bribery is a felony in most jurisdictions. See Model Penal Code § 240. 1. Cf. KICKBACK. [Cases: Bribery 1. C.J.S. Bribery §§ 2–3, 5–8, 10–11.] — bribe, vb. “If money has been corruptly paid and corruptly received, for the

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incitement, n. 1. The act or an instance of provoking, urging on, or stirring up. 2. Criminal law. The act of persuading another person to commit a crime; SOLICITATION(2). [Cases: Criminal Law 45. C.J.S. Criminal Law §§ 115, 124–126.] — inciteful, adj. “An inciter is one who counsels, commands or advises the commission of a

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