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do dico addico

do, dico, addico (doh, dI-koh, [schwa]-dI-koh ordik-oh, [schwa]-dik-oh). [Latin] I give, I say, I adjudge. • These formal words were spoken by the Roman praetor in the exercise of his jurisdiction on certain days, such as dies fasti. They could not be officially spoken on dies nefasti. Do refers to the granting of actions, exceptions,

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price fixing

price-fixing. The artificial setting or maintenance of prices at a certain level, contrary to the workings of the free market. • Price-fixing is usu. illegal per se under antitrust law. See FIX(3). [Cases: Monopolies 17(1.7). C.J.S. Monopolies §§ 83–85, 87.] “Price-fixing agreements may or may not be aimed at complete elimination of price competition. The

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general intent

The intent to perform an act even though the actor does not desire the consequences that result. • This is the state of mind required for the commission of certain common-law crimes not requiring a specific intent or not imposing strict liability. General intent usu. takes the form of recklessness (involving actual awareness of a

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money. 1. The medium of exchange authorized or adopted by a government as part of its currency; esp. domestic currency (coins and currency are money). UCC § 1-201(b)(24). 2. Assets that can be easily converted to cash (demand deposits are money). 3. Capital that is invested or traded as a commodity ( the money market).

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special defence

special defence 〈英〉特别答辩;特别辩护 在以前郡法院的诉讼中,如果被告人所要提出的答辩理由是以下几种之一时:债务抵销〔set-off〕、反请求〔counterclaim〕、未成年〔infancy〕、妻子的地位〔coverture〕、诉讼时傚法〔statute of limitations〕、破产〔bankruptcy〕、衡平法上的答辩〔equitable defence〕、1677年《防止欺诈法》〔Statute of Frauds〕第4条,他必须通知原告,否则在以后的诉讼中不允许他再提出。自1936年之后,特别答辩已不复存在,被告人在所有的情况下都应将其答辩理由告知原告,但是他也可以不提供答辩理由而在出庭时进行答辩,不过法院可能会要其支付由此而产生的费用。在苏格兰的刑事诉讼中,这种特别的辩护理由包括不在犯罪现场〔alibi〕、被卷入犯罪〔incrimination〕、自卫〔self-defence〕或犯罪时精神错乱〔insanity at the time of the crime〕。如果被告人要使用上述理由之一,就必须在庭审之前特别告知国王,否则将不许提出支持该理由的证据。

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reversionary interest

reversionary interest 归复权益;将来权益;归复财产 指某人因土地或其他财产的归复而享有的权益。亦指对于目前尚为他人占有的财产所享有的将来用益的权利。有时也用以指已授予的财产在收益权期满后收归授予人所有。在美国法中,一般仅指归复权益,并与剩余地产权益〔remainder interest〕相区别,前者须在期满后将财产归复原所有人,而后者则转让于原所有人以外的人。例如,甲以乙享有10年收益为目的而在其不动产上设定信托,10年期满后,该不动产回复于甲,在此情况下,甲在该财产上即享有归复权益。而在英格兰法中,该词含义广泛,并不仅限于严格意义的归复权或剩余地产权,而是指与此相类同的所有将来权益。例如,甲将其动产授予乙的终身,并在乙死亡后授予丙,那么,丙所享有的就是一种将来权益。又如,甲授予乙终身的动产受益权,则甲保留了可以归复的将来权益。在英国法中,将来权益原只在衡平法院得到承认,故其为衡平法上的权益,并通常以信托方式创设。(→Clifford trust; remainder; reversion; reverter;settlement)

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